Why Do I Have Lines On My Nails And How Do I Remove Them?

Although they usually appear due to bruising or as a result of nutrient deficiency, nail marks can also be indicative of larger problems.

All women strive for beautiful, strong nails that do not break easily. The problem is that sometimes spots or signs appear. Besides, not only does it make the nails look less beautiful, but it can also be a symptom of some imbalance in our body.

However, most of the time, the appearance of the nails is changed due to trivial causes like trauma. Find out in this article the meaning of the lines that appear on the nails and how to remove them naturally.

Lines on the nails

The white lines, more or less thick, which appear horizontally on the nails, can have different causes. The most common are the following:

Serious illnesses with high fever

fever and lines on the nails

More complex infectious processes, such as the flu or a cold, accompanied by a high fever, can be responsible for the appearance of horizontal lines on the nails months after illness.

These include pneumonia or scarlet fever. In this case, the affectation appears on several nails at the same time because the body has given priority to healing the pathology instead of continuing with the normal growth of the nails.

In this case, no treatment will be necessary, but the lines will disappear as we recover.

Psoriasis on the hands and nails

A hand with psoriasis

This skin disorder that causes flaking and inflammation affects different parts of our body. Including the nails, on which it can cause horizontal lines.

People who suffer from it can live with great anguish, as the pain and itching can be very overwhelming.

Although in theory psoriasis does not have a cure, many people have noticed a great improvement by switching to a healthier, more balanced diet.

In this way, it is recommended to include fresh and natural foods with a low content of refined and harmful sugars and fats.

Circulatory disorders

Lines on the nails can be caused by poor circulation in the legs. Some symptoms are a feeling of heaviness for several hours or the presence of varicose veins.

The appearance of nail damage due to these causes may indicate that there is insufficient blood supply to reach the feet, so it is important to consult a healthcare practitioner.

Some remedies that can improve circulation are:

  • Lead an active lifestyle and avoid standing still for several hours at a time.
  • Eat a healthy and complete diet in which it is advisable to include red foods (tomato, red fruits, cayenne, etc.).
  • Apply cold water to the legs in the shower.
  • Massage the legs with essential oils (rosemary, cypress, witch hazel).

Zinc deficiency

zinc deficiency can cause lines on the nails

Zinc is an essential trace element for many functions of our body as well as for having strong and healthy nails.

Its deficiency can cause the appearance of spots or horizontal lines . If the results of medical examinations show a deficiency, it may be advisable to increase its consumption, as we have seen that there are more causes of these spots or lines on the nails.

We can take zinc as a supplement or consume it in the form of food:

  • Cocoa Powder
  • Dry watermelon seeds
  • Meats
  • Oysters
  • Peanut
  • Sesame
  • Squash (and its seeds)
  • Butter

Aging of nails

Face of a woman

The most common explanation for vertical lines on the nails is aging, which is inevitable.

However, with a good diet rich in antioxidants, we can delay the deterioration caused by free radicals, both inside and out.

Here are some of the antioxidant foods:

  • Cocoa
  • Garlic and onion
  • Lawyer
  • Grape
  • Tomato
  • Lemon
  • Broccoli
  • Turmeric
  • Green tea
  • Nuts
  • Apple
  • Pepper

Vitamin B12 deficiency

In some cases, the appearance of lines can be linked to a lack of vitamin B12, i.e. pernicious anemia.

It is important to establish a medical diagnosis of the cause of the deficiency of this vitamin as it may be due to a strict vegan diet (which can be improved with supplements) or poor absorption of this nutrient by more serious illnesses. intestinal type.

We find good sources of vitamin B12 in the following foods:

  • Eggs
  • Meat
  • Fruits
  • Dairy products
  • Spirulina
  • Yeast

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency

Lack of magnesium can also cause these lines to appear. Here are some of the foods rich in magnesium:

  • Green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, kale, etc.)
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Dried fruits
  • Fatty fish
  • Lawyers

Sometimes it is necessary to opt for a magnesium supplement. The most common are chloride (excellent for fighting constipation) and citrate (more suitable if we suffer from heartburn).


In summary, the appearance of our nails can reflect our state of health, making it possible to detect more serious problems than the simple alteration of their appearance, which is why it is important to pay attention to them. Part of what can be done to prevent their alteration is avoiding beatings and leading a healthy lifestyle. If you are in any doubt, the best thing to do is to consult a healthcare practitioner.

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