Why Can’t We Always Seek The Approval Of Others?

By seeking the approval of others, you place your own happiness in the hands of (people other than you. This is why it is fundamental to take back the reins of your life.

If you want to do something that you have never done before, you will have to take new paths. By constantly seeking the approval of others, you are preventing yourself from taking charge of your destiny. Indeed, it makes us slaves to the ideas and advice of other people.

You have to expose yourself, take risks, listen to your own inner voice and protect yourself from people who claim to want to guide us. Everyone seems to know what is right for us better than we do. It is up to each of us to open these doors and follow the paths of our heart.

In search of happiness

The ultimate end of our existence lies in personal development, with happiness as the means to achieve it. Each person finds their happiness in different situations.

What is true for one person may therefore be insufficient for another person. This is why it is not healthy to always want to gain the approval of others.

Each path is personal. No one should borrow it for us, so no one should be making decisions for us. You don’t need the approval of others. In addition, it is not recommended to depend on someone else to make a decision, even if these people are trusted.

Advice in spades

If you blindly follow all the advice and opinions of other people, you will never learn to be independent. Indeed, falls and mistakes are essential experiences to consolidate our self-sufficiency.

We all tend not to apply the advice we give to others to ourselves. This is why it is better to let ourselves be guided by our abilities, our instinct or our heart.

You shouldn’t be blown away by the apparent eloquence of others. It is better to believe in ourselves and put all our tenacity and passion into our goal.

approval of others

Approval from others and fear of what to say

First of all, you cannot depend on others. This is not healthy. Simply living under the protective wing of others makes us useless. In addition, it makes us a dependent person and unable to fend for ourselves. You have to make your own decisions and surpass yourself from a personal point of view.

We have to get out of our comfort zone and take risks. Who does not try has nothing, as the popular saying goes.

On the other hand, the fear of what to say is an unnecessary burden. If our own decisions don’t hurt other people, we shouldn’t be afraid to make a decision. You are not accountable to anyone. We are free beings.

And if we want to be politically incorrect, it is necessary to remember that new paths are built by destroying old rules.

The fear of making decisions paralyzes us

If you stop doing something for fear of not gaining the approval of others, you will gradually fill up with resentment and frustration. If it is our indecision or a lack of motivation, we should not blame another person.

Fear is an individual feeling. It is up to each of us to overcome it. It is enough to observe a group of people in the same situation to see how it will be apprehended differently by each person. It also helps to realize the difference in psychology between each person.

It is the fear of failure that makes us seek the approval of others.

approval of others

How do we know if we are still waiting for the approval of others?

When we start a new activity, it is normal to doubt ourselves. It’s also okay to compare yourself to other people to get a perspective on our situation. Am I doing the right thing? Is it normal ?

Below, here are some elements to identify if your indecision is pathological:

  • You have to learn to say no.
  • If you have a different opinion, expose it and not be silent.
  • You cannot change your opinion because it is not the opinion of the general opinion.
  • You have to be natural and spontaneous.
  • No one knows our internal struggles and our sufferings. This is why we must not allow ourselves to be enslaved.
  • You have to take your own responsibilities.
  • No one is worse than another person.
  • There is only one responsible for success and failure: ourselves.

If you want to live your life to the fullest, to the fullest, and to be the person in charge of your destiny, you have to make your decisions for yourself. However, one should not fall into arrogance. You will be able to develop your own life project without needing to obtain the approval of others.

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