What Do Effective Diets Have In Common?

Careless eating can be one of the leading causes of premature death and chronic disease. On the contrary, optimal nutrition is associated with a longer life expectancy.

The industry for weight loss (in the form of endless pounds, diets, pills, and remedies) is a mega-millionaire today. Losing weight seems to be the dream goal of millions of people. While every dieter advocates and makes sure their plans are the best, the reality is that  effective and healthier diets share a lot with each other.

Among so many propositions, we have to  separate the false from the true, that is, to determine what works and what does not. If we consider all types of effective and scientifically contrasting diets and join all the points they have in common, we will discover the genuine keys that will allow us to stay slim.

What do effective diets have in common?

Successful diets rely on natural foods and contain very few processed products, according to an analysis by   Yale University  To better understand this, we then look at the common points that we consistently find among these diets.

1. They are effective and healthy in the long run

Your lifestyle should include a healthy lifestyle and that also involves a good diet, full of nutrients. This makes it easy to follow a healthy diet for the long haul. Besides, experts say that a good diet should become a way of life and not just a phase.

Unsafe eating can be one of the leading causes of premature death  and chronic disease. On the contrary, optimal nutrition is associated with a longer life expectancy, according to Yale University.

what are effective diets for weight loss?

2. Effective diets eliminate sugar

This recommendation may seem directly inspired by fans of the “low carb” diet. However,  restricting and even eliminating refined white sugar  has become an almost absolute consensus  that is even reflected in the nutritional recommendations of the World Health Organization.

We now know that sugar promotes the production of body fat by the liver, as well as the increase in bad cholesterol and triglycerides. In general, its consumption is detrimental to physical and mental well-being.

3. They include vegetables

Even diets limited in carbohydrates, such as the paleo diet in its various variants, insist on the consumption of vegetables in abundance (broccoli, artichokes, green beans, cabbage, spinach, peppers…).

Some diets that work may restrict fruit (although all will accept certain non-glycemic fruits like green apples or berries), but  in the case of vegetables, the message is clear: eat plenty.

4. Promote moderate weight loss

Diets such as Perricone, ranked among the best for weight loss by the European Obesity Medical Institute (IMEO), have in common that they promote healthy weight loss because you need to shed the pounds you carry. surplus. You will indeed see improvements in your overall health.

lose weight healthily with effective diets

5. Successful diets are about quality

In fact, not only is the quantity of food consumed important, but also the quality. That doesn’t mean everything has to be organic and fresh, because there are products like whole grain pasta that are really healthy.

6. Eliminate  the  trans fat limit industrial vegetable fats

The debate on  the trans fatty acids  (we identify on labels as “hydrogenated fat” or “partially hydrogenated fats”) was closed for some time: this  is the worst imaginable dietary fat. Even restaurateurs in the state of California are prohibited by law from using them.

The  fat trans are entirely artificial and created in the lab  (technically products by hydrogenated vegetable fats) and cause inflammation of the body, cardiovascular diseases and endless health problems.

Industrial vegetable fats (sunflower, soybean and corn), although less questioned, are however limited in all effective diet programs and diets. This type of fat is associated with oxidation, inflammation, and various vascular problems. Instead,  all diets that work recommend using extra virgin olive oil.

7. Effective diets go through satiety

Living hungry, whether you are trying to lose weight or fight diabetes through diet, is not a requirement. Healthy eating plans  include the amounts of food, calories, and nutrients needed to keep your body satisfied and have enough energy.

Now that you know what all effective diets have in common, we recommend that you stick to the one that works best for your physical condition. If you have any questions, consult a professional. Your primary care physician or nutritionist can help you choose a diet based on your current health, age, lifestyle, among other factors.

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