Today, Let Go And Don’t Let Anything Influence You

When you get carried away by things and don’t cling to the impossible, you realize that life is good simpler than it looks. Enjoy the moment!

For one day only, let yourself go, let the bad things flow, and be receptive only to the good things. If you haven’t started the letting go strategy yet, we suggest you get started as soon as possible.

The “ flow ” is a mental state which can improve our quality of life and which allows us to better channel our energy to be more productive.

You may have heard of the word letting go  and its derivatives.

Many people attribute to it spiritual and abstract characteristics. But it nevertheless includes a well-established psychological and scientific basis.

So much so that the concept of letting go was invented in 1975 by psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. It then spread widely in the areas of personal and professional development.

It is interesting, relaxing and very useful in our daily life. In this article, we’ll teach you how to let go, a way to let yourself go in the here and now to build your confidence.

Let go: everything flows naturally and nothing distracts you

Mihály Csíkszentmihályi defined letting go as a state of harmony. The person becomes able to focus only on what they are doing.

We can get carried away by things when we walk, when we read, when we rest, and even when we work.

It’s about being aware of what we are doing and enjoying it.

Let go: everything flows naturally and nothing distracts you

  • Psychologists tell us that many of us practice what is called the “erratic mind”. We go from one thought to another, we jump from one worry to another until we create a ball in which we are caught.
  • Little by little, the frustration appears, as well as the unhappiness. Because our thinking falls into the complex abysses of “ if I had”, “if others did”, “if I could”…
  • These types of thoughts prevent letting go. They affect us, they stop us in frustration and discomfort. What we generate is negative energy.

To let go is not to run away, it is to be present

In order for everything to flow smoothly, we must be aware that leaking doesn’t solve anything.

Letting go is letting go of what is not useful to us to move forward, but we must also be courageous to face what hurts us during these times.

  • It is also necessary to accept that there are things that cannot be changed. You cannot change someone’s personality. You also can’t make someone like you.
  • There are aspects that must be accepted and this acceptance is also part of letting go.

You are movement, be part of it

Surely you have felt yourself caught up in existential failure. This state is completely normal for a being and it is essential to know how to manage it.

To let go is not to run away, it is to be present

  • Understand that letting go is above all about movement. The idea of ​​happiness has a very strong link with the fact that everything flows naturally, and that nothing and no one hinders or stops us.
  • To better understand this idea, we give you an example.

Today, you have no job and you are living a very complicated emotional relationship.

In the city you are in, there are no professional opportunities. So you decide to turn the page. You allow yourself to let go.

So you become more receptive and you start to listen to the options available. You get informed, you expand your fields and one fine day, you make up your mind: you commit to change.

You choose to leave your city, leave your miserable spouse, and try to build something else somewhere else. This change leads you to new movements.

Finally, you find a job and in that job you meet someone unique: a person who really values ​​and loves you.

When you let go and nothing bad has swayed you, you are free to create your own paths.

Try to turn this on and you will see that you will have great results.

Look for the “optimal” experiences

If you’ve never heard of Optimal Experiences, know that they’re easy to identify. Even if we unfortunately rarely put them into practice.

  • The best experience is the pleasure you get from doing something you love. A hug, cooking, a walk, a bath, a conversation, a trip …
  • Know that the best experiences cannot be programmed. Many of us tend to do this. “When I am on vacation, I will rest”. “I will be happy when the weekend arrives”. “I will know what joy is when I have a spouse”.
  • Remember that the best time of your life is always now. So let go and don’t let anything get in the way. Don’t get worried or into the “today I can’t” or the “you’re worth nothing ”.

It is, quite simply, to be present and to move forward in a harmonious way in accordance with our conscience, in complete freedom, in integrity and in an interior peace which allows us to benefit from the “here and now. ”.

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