This Is The MAIN CAUSE Of Cancer, According To A New Study

Even though a high percentage of cancer cases cannot be prevented, adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid harmful habits like tobacco can always help us.

We thought until recently that the causes of cancer types were our genetic inheritance and the environment. Factors such as diet, pollutants or lifestyle were considered to be almost exclusive determinants for determining the higher or lower risk of developing cancer.

However, it seems that this idea has just collapsed.

Geneticists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (United States) conducted a macro-study into the causes of cancer. The journal Science recently published the results. As a result, the  main cause of cancer is chance.

Two out of three genetic mutations that turn into cancer are the sad result of a flaw, of mere chance. Of these mistakes made by our cells every time they divide.

Experts are fully aware that these data will lead to controversy.

We will give you the information in the following article.

Two-thirds of cancers cannot be prevented: early detection is keycancer

We know that this information can seem overwhelming to many of us.

Does this mean that prevention is useless? That having a 100% healthy life would not prevent new diagnoses? No that’s not true. But this data provides an answer to something that many foresaw.

  • Some people, despite eating a healthy diet, not smoking, being physically active and not having a genetic history, report cancer.
  • The experts were very aware that there was something else. That this unknown factor was something that completely escaped its own prevention.
  • We all know how this almost perfect mechanics of the organism works. We regenerate ourselves. Our cells divide every day to give shape to basic and essential processes that guarantee our survival.
  • However, any time a normal cell divides and doubles its DNA to generate two new cells, it can make mistakes.

The human genome has 3,000 million bases and even if this replication is almost perfect. There is always a margin of error, which generates random mutations.

Hence the problem.

The “bad luck” factor determines the development of the disease

Bert Vogelstein, director of this research project, told a press conference that 66% of cell mutations that turn into cancer result from simple errors in replication.

  • On the other hand, 29% of these replications are the result of environmental factors, while lifestyle and heredity determine just over 5%.
  • Scientists call it the “bad luck factor”. It is indeed very complicated to know when the error will occur, how to slow it down or how to prevent these mutations.
  • In fact, it has been found that almost 77% of pancreatic cancer cases are the result of a random DNA error in cell division.
    Factors such as alcohol or tobacco account for 18% and heredity only 5%.
  • According to Dr. Vogelstein’s explanation of prostate, brain and bone cancer, 95% of cases result from “bad luck” in cell division.

Early diagnosis methods are improving

Even if this data is particularly desperate and dissuades to take care of its rhythm of life, all is not so dark.

Science is developing hopeful new techniques for early detection.

  • A simple analysis or a saliva test could be, in a few years, simple practices to detect cancer during the first mutations, when there is still no obvious track of the disease.

40% of cancer detections can be avoidedcancer

The main pillars for winning the battle against cancer, despite the “bad luck” factor, are early detection and continuous prevention.

Those responsible for this approach have an impact on the importance of daily work, in the following aspects:

  • Create cleaner cities, free from chemicals and carcinogens.
  • It is necessary to take care of his lifestyle.
    We can prevent 40% of new cancer detections with just the basics. For example, stop smoking, eat healthy and especially as natural as possible.
    It’s something we all know but don’t always practice.

In addition, and no less important, we also need social organizations and health institutions that establish early detection programs that are simple, economical and accessible to the population.

Periodic check-ups, whether for breast, colon, lung, ovarian or prostate cancer are undoubtedly the pillars that allow us to more effectively treat this disease which each year carries with it thousands of life.

We are sure that in the near future we will not have a cure for cancer, but hundreds of strategies and mechanisms to stop and cure it.

Hope this is so.

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