The Simplest And Healthiest Breakfast

To have the energy necessary to face the day, our breakfast must provide us between 20 and 25% of the calories ingested during the day.

Starting the day with an adequate intake of nutrients and vitamins is essential for having enough energy and good morale. This is why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It represents the first food intake that the body receives after a fast of several hours during sleep.

However, sometimes it’s a race against time that begins with a series of early hours activities that sometimes end up taking breakfast into the background.

For all these reasons, we are going to show you here how to make this moment the best experience of the day, with practical and beneficial advice that will help you optimize your time while allowing your body to refuel!

First of all, know that dairy products, fruits and cereals are among the foods that should not be missing in a healthy and balanced breakfast; you can add cold meats (ham, for example) and sweets in small quantities.

The secret is to plan a balanced breakfast that has the right elements while meeting your tastes and possibilities. Take a look at our suggestions and choose your ideal breakfast!

Our suggestions for a good breakfast

basket of fruits

  • Dairy products: 1 serving; your choice of fresh milk or powdered milk, yogurt or a portion of koumis.
  • Cheese or substitute food: 2 servings; your choice of a piece of cheese, 1 egg, 1 slice of ham or a sausage.
  • Flours or cereals: 1 portion of arepa, toast, cookies or cereals.
  • Drink: 1 glass of orange juice (or your favorite fruit) or a hot drink.
  • Fruits: 1 serving.

In all cases, it is recommended to avoid foods that contain a lot of fat as well as fried foods.

But if you want to simplify your breakfast, check out the following options:

Cereals with milk. If you are short on time and like cereals, this is a good choice. Remember that there are many kinds of cereals; some are part of the fitness range, so they contain less sugar and more fiber, or others, which in general contain a lot of sugar.

Regardless of your choice, what matters is to compose the calorie intake, using skimmed milk and fruit (using them to sweeten low-sugar cereals).

A fruit salad. You can mix small amounts of fruits like mango, papaya, strawberry and banana to prepare it; it is easily digested and it is suitable if you do not exert a lot of energy during your daily activities.

A sandwich. You only need 2 slices of bread, mortadella or ham, and a slice of cheese. If you wish, you can add jam or butter, and accompany it with a drink such as fruit juice or coffee.

Remember …

Breakfast should be 20-25% of the total calories for the day. So provide your body with the energy it needs to get off to a good start every morning and in such a way as to keep the same dynamism throughout the day!

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