The 8 Best Foods To Improve Your Memory And Mental Agility

Natural nutrients are the best energizers and fortifiers for our memory. You only have to include them in your daily diet to see their positive effects in no time.

Good memory and great mental agility are two great qualities that we should all benefit from. 

Thanks to them, our daily tasks immediately become much easier to carry out.

Many people think that these two skills are beyond our control, yet they are skills that we can work on and improve, through the adoption of healthy habits.

Like other faculties in our body, they need good nutrition to function optimally, and to stay in good shape throughout our lives.

While the natural process of aging inexorably affects the quality of our memory and our mind, the substances contained in certain ingredients can help us to strengthen and improve them, with the aim of not developing serious problems in the future.

In the rest of this article, we’re going to tell you about the 8 best foods to improve your memory, focus, and mind performance. Discover them with us!

1. Whole grains for your memory

Our whole body, including the brain, needs energy to carry out its daily tasks.

A good way to provide it is to eat foods that have a low glycemic index.

Indeed, they allow the release of sugar in the blood at a very slow rate, which has the effect of keeping the mind active throughout the day.

Whole grains have this characteristic, and also provide many essential nutrients for our body, which support our brain health.

Among the most important whole grains are:

  • Quinoa
  • Wholemeal pasta
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Complete rice
  • Bran (oat or wheat)

2. Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids are not naturally secreted by our body. We must therefore consume it on a daily basis, to allow our body to function well.

These nutrients protect our brain, and help keep it in optimal condition.

These are healthy fats, which decrease inflammation and also improve the health of our heart.

The most important are omega 3s, which are found in foods like:

  • The salmon
  • Trout
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Soy and its derivatives
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • The dried fruit

All these foods, consumed in adequate quantities, have a positive effect on our cognitive health, and help prevent degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease or memory loss.

3. Blueberries for your memory

Blueberries for your memory.

Blueberries are among the best natural antioxidant foods out there. You can consume them daily, or at least incorporate them regularly into your daily regimen.

All such berries are recommended, such as lingonberries for example, but blueberries are the most beneficial for our brain and memory.

Their nutrients inhibit the action of free radicals on our brain, elements which are the main responsible for cognitive deterioration.

4. The lawyer

Avocado is a very complete food, rich in fiber, essential fatty acids and potassium. In addition, it does not contain cholesterol and is an important source of antioxidants which, as we said, slow down damage due to oxidation.

Consuming it, in a reasonable way, every day, will allow you to bring healthy energy to your brain, to prevent it from deteriorating and to improve your mental performance.

Thanks to the contribution of its monounsaturated fats, avocado also helps improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases associated with the heart.

5. Olive oil

Olive oil for your memory.

It is one of the best fats for healthy cooking without the risk of raising the level of cholesterol in our arteries.

Olive oil contains essential fats which promote the decrease in the level of lipids in the blood, while protecting the main organs of our body.

It contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates which optimize the work of our mind, and which reduce the risk of suffering from a disease related to a deterioration of the cognitive system.

6. Tomatoes for your memory

Tomatoes contain a very powerful antioxidant, called lycopene, which, in addition to being responsible for their characteristic red color, allows them to protect the cells of our body against the action of free radicals.

These harmful elements can cause serious disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Broccoli

It might not be the most popular vegetable out there, but it is definitely one of the healthiest and most beneficial products you can find in nature.

Broccoli provides us with essential minerals and antioxidant compounds that prevent cell damage.

Thanks to its vitamin K content, it maintains our brain function and enables our body’s most important organ to carry out all of its daily tasks.

8. Celery for your memory

Celery contains luteolin, a flavonoid compound which, thanks to its antioxidant action, reduces the damage caused by premature aging of our brain, helping it to strengthen its memory and prevent its own deterioration.

Consuming all of these foods has an undeniable positive impact on our mental and physical health.

It is advisable to include them very frequently in our diet to benefit from all their properties.

Also, keep in mind that having a good intake of water is essential to maintain your brain, as dehydration is one of the main factors responsible for mental fatigue.

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