The 5 Steps To Finding Emotional Balance

We must learn to channel our feelings in order to be able to maintain our emotional balance. A good approach to the reality around us can help us adapt better to it.

Emotional balance is inhabited by calm and governed by good inner harmony. Getting to this state is not easy, but we can get there with simple strategies.

We understand this concept as synonymous with well-being and above all, health.

It is a feeling of wonderful inner harmony where we allow ourselves to be present, where nothing undermines our self-esteem and where we manage to have a sense of self-control.

If you think about it, you will realize that we live in a society inhabited by “noise” and acceleration.

By noise, we refer above all to the demands of our environment which force us to be the most productive worker possible, the best of daughters, the best of fathers, the best of sisters and the best of neighbors.

External pressures often distance us from our own identities, from our own essences. All of this wears us out to the point of completely breaking our emotional balance.

It is necessary to achieve calm and above all, this interior music which combines own needs and exterior demands. We have to find that emotional point of balance where we can be happier. 

We suggest that you think about this in the following article.

The philosophy of the samurai to achieve emotional balance

It is possible that the title of this part caught your attention because at first glance, no one would put the samurai in connection with psychology.

But the philosophy of bushido has inspired more than one approach to coaching that is good to know.

In fact, you should know that in the publishing market, there are some very interesting books, such as: Train with the spirit of the samurai “, By Thomas Cleary.

In this work, the author collects precisely those techniques through which the samurai manage to calm their minds and find emotional balance to defeat their enemies.

Today, the philosophy of bushido  incorporates a compendium of approaches and strategies that have captured the attention of endless gurus around the world, who work on self-help and personal growth.

In this article, we offer you 6 basic keys that will undoubtedly help you.

Health and emotional balance.

1. You must be above worries, not below

To find emotional balance, you need to have a good sense of control over your reality.

  • The need to be “above” our worries involves just that: developing a clear perception that we are in control of the situation.
  • When we find ourselves under our problems, we let ourselves be dragged by them.

Let’s take an example . We are losing our job. It is a complex and even dramatic situation in most cases.

However, if we lose control and tell ourselves “there is no solution” and “we are never going to get out of this state”, we will be trapped in our own fears.

So remember: stand a little below what worries you to stay in control.

2. Accept adversity

The samurai accepts his death. He understands that sooner or later he will give his life out of duty as bushido wishes .

  • For our part, without reaching this extreme, we must accept diversity. It is necessary to understand and accept that life is not easy and that sometimes it loses, it goes.
  • Accepting this dark part of life will allow us to be more realistic and have a quieter mind. In this way, we also come closer to emotional balance.

3. Develop your decision-making capacity

You have to be active agents and not just spectators. If we let ourselves be carried away without being able to decide for ourselves, self-esteem becomes fragmented and with it, our emotions, our dignity, our values ​​…

We must be actors in our battlefields and not just squires. 

Emotional balance and choice.

4. Your mind is your best ally

For a samurai, his mind is his best ally. But only a calm mind allows him to achieve triumph over his enemies.

  • Stress, doubts and fear are great enemies of this balanced mind which does not know where to focus its attention.
  • To train, we need to find moments for ourselves throughout the day.
  • Silence, meditation and listening to your own needs and thoughts every day for 1 or 2 hours will allow us to better refine this quiet mind.

5. Be clear with your values, your principles and your horizon

Emotional balance and clarity.

We must get up every morning with a project in mind, a specific purpose. Sometimes something as simple as “ I deserve and want to be happy” is enough.

Just as the samurai had his bushido code , we must have our own values. Those that nothing and no one should demolish.

  • If you have a goal and you know your roots, nothing should stop you. This will be your point on the horizon and your principles. The psychic and emotional balance that this can bring you is undoubtedly very significant.

Dare to put this into practice.

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