The 5 Best Plant Milks

Almond milk is easy to digest, prevents cholesterol as well as osteoporosis. It is one of the most nutritious milks, which is why it is recommended for growing children or people who need a dietary supplement.

Nowadays, cow’s milk is sometimes inconvenient for some of us.

Fortunately, there is a healthy, natural and beneficial alternative for our health. Indeed, we have all suffered one day from difficult digestion, pain or even lactose intolerance in some cases.

In fact, doctors and nutritionists are aware of the problems that cow’s milk can cause, and that is why they often recommend other solutions for the benefit of patients.

The benefits of plant milks

  • They do not contain lactose or cholesterol.
  • Low in fat.
  • High percentage of mono and polyunsaturated fats, very beneficial for the heart.
  • High level of B vitamins.
  • Balanced relationship between sodium and potassium.
  • Plant-based milks are great for people who have slow digestion, constipation issues, irritable bowel, etc.

Soy milk

soy milk

It is one of the oldest and most beneficial plant milks. Originally from China, it spread shortly after in America and Europe, and among its benefits, we can quote:

  • Very good for people allergic to lactose.
  • It is the most digestive since it does not need enzymes for digestion.
  • It is excellent for people with diabetes:  it releases sugars little by little, which keeps this component in the blood.
  • It lowers cholesterol, and is made up of isoflavones, fatty acids and proteins.
  • In addition, it contains a high level of calcium, which improves circulation and healing.
  • It contains potassium and magnesium, ideal for controlling high blood pressure.
  • Finally, it is highly recommended for women, since it helps them during premenstrual syndrome thanks to its isoflavones.

Note:  it is important that the soybeans are organic!

Almond milk

This is a great option, especially for growing children and people who lack energy and require a dietary supplement, given its nutritional qualities.

  • It is digestive.
  • Very beneficial for those with anemia, weakness, liver problems or malnutrition.
  • Very beneficial for the brain and muscles thanks to the potassium it contains.
  • It prevents osteoporosis.
  • Almonds help lower cholesterol.
  • Very rich in fiber, it is ideal for treating constipation and fighting colon cancer.
  • Rich in magnesium, iron, calcium and vitamin E.

Oat milk

Since it does not contain fat, this milk will be very useful for those looking to lose weight.  Consuming it early in the morning will also help get energy for the rest of the day!

  • Its rich fiber composition strengthens the digestive system and gives the feeling of being full.
  • It lowers cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Very rich in carbohydrates, it allows to benefit from proteins just like wheat.
  • It also has essential fatty acids, like linoleic, antioxidants and vitamin E.
  • The fact that it is rich in beta-glucans helps fight cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine, absorbing them and thus preventing harmful elements from passing through the body.

Nut milk

Nut milk can cure diarrhea. Moreover, Americans are consuming it more and more, and it is very rich in antioxidants!

  • It prevents cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • According to several studies, this milk is more beneficial than certain antioxidants, such as oranges, spinach, carrots or tomatoes.
  • It also has an excellent blend of vitamin E, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, polyphenols and trace elements, selenium, copper, zinc and magnesium… Ideal substances for our health!

oat milk and strawberry

Rice milk

Not to be confused with rice water! Rice milk is very good for treating diarrhea. It is prepared from fresh grains of rice crushed, cooked and then fermented.

  • It is a light drink, or sweet taste, and does not contain gluten.
  • Indeed, the fact that rice is digested well and that it is rich in tryptophan and B vitamins has earned it the name of grain of serenity, since these substances allow you to replenish energy and contribute to balance of the nervous system.
  • It also has depurative properties.
  • Ideal for weight control, it has fewer calories than soy and almond milk in addition to being very nutritious!

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