Simple And Effective Remedies For Tension Headache

A tension headache is characterized by oppressive and global pain, which can extend from the forehead to the back of the neck.

Who has never suffered, at least once in their life, from a tension headache ? This disorder is characterized by oppressive and general pain, which can go from the forehead to the neck. It is, nowadays, a reality more and more frequent in the world population.

Sometimes stress is its main factor. However, there are other causes to consider as well.

How to treat them? How can you relieve tension headaches before they become chronic? In this article, we will try to answer all these questions.

The importance of knowing the origin of tension headaches

Woman suffering from headache

Doctors tell us that if a patient suffers from tension headaches between 7 and 10 days per month, they are considered episodic.
On the other hand, if he suffers from it for two weeks in a row, every month of the year, his disorder turns into a chronic headache.

It is common, for example, to come home from work feeling tired. This fatigue will concentrate and be felt especially at the level of the head in a very oppressive way, like a kind of bar in our skull, which goes from the forehead to the neck.

It is very easy to differentiate this disorder from classic migraines. This is because the pain is not concentrated only in one side of the head.


But, what is the origin of this evil ? What factors most often cause tension headaches? We will tell you everything in the rest of this article:

  • Muscle tension:  being in the same position, in tension, for several hours in a row, causes tension headaches. An example ? When you work like this on a computer, or on a machine in a factory, and it forces you to make repetitive movements.
  • The sight:  if you stare at a computer screen for hours. Or if you study overnight, your eyestrain can turn into a tension headache.
  • Stress:  Nowadays, worry, anxiety, and all these modern thoughts charge our minds negatively. They cause significant side effects to our body. So be careful to manage your daily stress well to enjoy a better quality of life. And so to avoid tension headaches.
  • Bad eating habits:  are you one of those people who leave in the morning having only had a coffee? Or do you skip meals to lose weight? If you are one of those people, you are putting your health at risk.

This is because you have fewer nutrients for your activities, and you become weak, which quite often leads to headaches.

  • High blood pressure:  Hypertension is one of the direct causes of tension headache. Headache, dizziness, and malaise are all direct symptoms that indicate that the heart is pumping blood with more force than usual against the walls of the arteries.

Remedies for tension headaches

headache and remedies

1. Hot-cold treatment

Hot and cold are effective treatments for tension headaches. How to carry out this treatment? It is very simple ! So take a cold compress, and soak it in apple vinegar.

Apple vinegar acts as an excellent relaxing agent. Prepare your compress well and put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Then place it on your forehead and leave to act for 15 minutes. Then take a good, warm, relaxing shower.

Your shower does not have to be very long, but it is enough to place a few minutes under a jet of hot water in order to relax your neck.

So once you’re done, wait 15 to 20 minutes, then apply another cold compress, but soaked this time with lavender water, or with a cold infusion of rosemary. It is very effective!

2. The infusion of ginger

We have told you many times before about all the benefits of ginger. Indeed, one of its best known properties is its ability to act as a natural pain reliever, which has no side effects. Ginger is thus truly exceptional.

Its anti-inflammatory power is very effective in eliminating tension headaches. To benefit from its effects, all you have to do is grate a small piece of fresh ginger, the equivalent of a spoonful, and immerse it in a glass of boiling water. Then let the mixture sit, then drink it little by little.

3. The mint eye mask

Here is the process of this remedy:

  • Make an infusion with 10 mint leaves in half a glass of water. Once it’s ready, put it in the fridge.
  • Soak a compress with this mixture, once it is cold.
  • Lie down and apply this mint compress to your eyes for at least 20 minutes.
  • Keep your eyes closed and relax. The freshness of the mint will help soothe your eyes, just like the smell which has relaxing actions.
  • When you feel that the compress is at room temperature, plunge it back into the cool infusion.
  • You can also use mint essential oil.

4. The spoonful of olive oil with lemon juice

This simple remedy is very famous. Olive oil is a great product to relieve inflammation, hydrate the skin, and promote blood circulation.

Combined with lemon juice, it becomes a natural medicine that can very effectively treat tension headaches.

You can, for example, drink a spoonful of olive oil with 3 drops of lemon juice, before resting on your sofa with the mint compress we told you about before.

  • Bogduk, N., & McGuirk, B. (2007). Management of acute and chronic neck pain . Management of acute and chronic neck pain .
  • De Charry, C., De Charry, F., Lamboley, JL, Le Moigne, F., & Guilloton, L. (2012). Sudden headache in a 62-year-old man. Radiology Leaflets .
  • Demarquay, G. (2004). Familial hemiplegic migraine. In Epilepsies .

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