Sage Infusion For A Flatter Stomach

You can keep the tea you made the night before in the refrigerator, or consume it hot. To stimulate your digestive system, drink it on an empty stomach.

Sage is a plant that offers many properties that are very beneficial for health. It allows, among other things, to fight against the swelling of the abdomen. Which could represent a very interesting solution for those looking to have a flat stomach and follow a diet.

What do we know about sage?

It is a species of Mediterranean origin. It belongs to the mint family and grows in the shape of a shrub. Its leaves are oval and green in color, and its flowers are red, pink and white.

Sage also has a long history as a medicinal plant. It is known as an ingredient in many potions . In the old days, it was said that whoever consumed sage leaves obtained knowledge and wisdom.

 sage to have a flat stomach

It can be used in several ways. Both in the gastronomic field and that of beauty treatments. For example, it can be used in lotions and creams to treat the skin or even for the hair. Among its other characteristics, we can mention:

  • It is an anti-inflammatory:  it therefore helps relieve muscle pain, rheumatism or arthritis.
  • She is astringent.
  • Has an antiseptic power, ideal for eliminating throat infections.
  • Anti-spasmodic, which means that it treats muscle spasms or those of the stomach.
  • Fights viruses and bacteria.
  • Offers a large amount of vitamins A and C.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Relieves respiratory and digestive problems.
  • Helps control blood sugar levels.
  • Avoids excessive sweating thanks to its drying properties (in case of fever).
  • May relieve pain associated with menstruation.
  • Calms headaches and stomach pains.
  • Prevents retention of liquids.
  • Promotes healing of wounds and ulcers.

You should know that sage is contraindicated for women who are breastfeeding or pregnant. Particularly because of its abortive capacities.

And it is also not recommended for those who suffer from kidney failure or autonomic instability. Indeed, its large quantities of thujone could generate convulsions.

The solution to having a flat stomach?

This plant can be used in the kitchen or for beauty treatments. But also to try to have a flat stomach thanks to its multiple properties.

Its characteristics make this plant an ideal solution for women (or men) looking to follow a slimming diet and have a flat stomach,  as it helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. a solution to have a flat stomach: sage

Taking sage infusion could prevent and relieve inflammation that causes stomach upset, either from eating too much food or after consuming something our body is not very used to (such as French fries. , chocolate, etc.).

The infusion also allows you not to crack during a diet.

The infusion of this plant could also be used to cleanse the body. Because it helps to eliminate toxins that are harmful to it.

On the other hand, sage can, thanks to its properties, stimulate the gallbladder, fight constipation, improve intestinal transit, eliminate flatulence, help eliminate accumulated gases and facilitate the elimination of liquids that have remained in the body (especially in the ankles, legs and feet).

  A sage infusion for a flat stomach

Preparing an infusion of sage is very easy. Necks will need only 15 grams of the dried or fresh plant (leaves and flowers) per liter of boiled water. If you prefer an even more natural preparation, then get some sage from health food stores or grow it in your garden!

Once the water and sage are mixed, let everything sit for 3 minutes then add lemon juice and also add a little stevia or pure honey to sweeten everything.

This amount could be taken for 3 or 4 days. During this period, try to stock up on fruits and vegetables. Especially those which can be useful to you for a better purification and a detoxification of the organism!

You can consume the sage infusion cold or hot. It would be best to drink it in the morning when young to stimulate the digestive system during the day. This will allow you to eliminate fats and toxins more effectively.

You can leave it in a container with a lid (a bottle or flask, for example), in the refrigerator, and drink it cold or hot if it’s winter and you need to warm your body!

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