Remedies To Relieve The Symptoms Of Menopause

In addition to taking care of our diet and including ingredients that help us overcome the symptoms of menopause, we can also use alternative remedies, such as Bach flower remedies.

Menopause is a very important stage in a woman’s life. Therefore, it causes changes and the symptoms of menopause can be bothersome, such as:

  • Hot flashes.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Skin dryness.
  • Significant weight gain.
  • Mood swings.

However, each woman experiences this period in a different way, with more or less intensity.

In the rest of this article, we will offer you natural solutions to relieve the symptoms of menopause through diet and very effective remedies, without side effects.

1. Natural juices

Although taking food supplements can help overcome the symptoms of menopause, a balanced diet is the basis for good health and for getting through this difficult period with peace of mind.

Natural juices, homemade with fresh fruits and vegetables, are essential for a complete and natural diet.

They provide us with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. But also fiber, ideal substances to improve our intestinal transit and to cleanse the body.

In this way, we can avoid a build-up of toxins, which are often guilty of intensifying the symptoms of menopause.

2. Chia seeds

When we put chia seeds to soak overnight, we may notice that the water becomes gelatinous. This phenomenon is due to the presence of mucilages, substances that allow us to clean our intestines in depth.

If we consume these seeds daily, we will be able to lose abdominal volume. They are also great for people who suffer from gas and constipation.

We can add the chia seeds to any smoothie, juice, cake or pie. In this way, we will consume it without even realizing it and we will gradually manage to find a flat stomach.

3. Garlic

To improve our general health, but also to prevent the symptoms of menopause, we can take advantage of the exceptional properties of garlic, a medicinal food that allows us to cleanse our body and improve our circulation.

  • We can eat raw garlic by spreading it on toast, or adding it to our homemade vegetable smoothies.
  • Garlic oil based capsules are also available in the market, for people who cannot stand the strong smell and strong taste of garlic.

4. Dried vegetables

Pulses are excellent foods for fighting symptoms of menopause, mainly for two reasons:

  • First of all, they are rich in vegetable protein and fiber, two elements that allow them to improve the functioning of our intestines and reduce the fat accumulated in the abdomen.
  • Secondly, they are rich in phytoestrogens of plant origin, which help us to regulate hormonal dysfunctions caused by menopause.

5. Ginseng

Ginseng is an ideal herbal medicine to treat states of depression and sadness, very common in women going through this period of major changes.

However, this plant is not recommended for people who suffer from nervousness or high blood pressure, as it activates the body.

If this is not your case, you can perform treatments for 10 consecutive days with ginseng, then rest for a month. You will quickly notice changes in your state of mind.

6. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a well-known food supplement for combating skin, hair and nail problems.

But, thanks to its vitamin and mineral content, it is recommended to improve the symptoms of menopause, to restore energy to the body and to regulate the nervous system.

7. Sage essential oil

Essential oils are very effective remedies to rebalance our body and mind.

To cope with menopause, it is advisable to use sage essential oil, which helps to treat sadness, irritability, fluid retention and high blood pressure.

You can consume a drop of this essential oil every day, for two weeks, or apply it directly to your wrists and temples.

8. Bach flowers

Bach flowers are floral essences that treat a wide variety of physical and emotional disorders. To fight against menopause, we recommend that you use:

  • Walnut and honeysuckle. To adapt to change.
  • The wild rose. To regain energy and vitality.
  • Gentian. Against mental fatigue.

A professional therapist can help you find the perfect blend for you.

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