Relaxing Smoothie With Pineapple, Mint, Apple And Lemon

This relaxing smoothie will help you fight fatigue and relieve stress. Its detoxifying and diuretic properties are an excellent complement during a slimming diet.

This natural smoothie has excellent nutritional and relaxing properties  that prevent the development of certain pathologies. Today, many people have a hectic pace of life and have very little time to take care of their bodies. It is therefore important to take care of ourselves and of course our diet.

We are going to share with you the recipe for a relaxing smoothie made with pineapple, mint, apple and lemon. All of these ingredients help to repair the body, especially after an exhausting day.

Would you like to know the recipe for this relaxing smoothie and all its benefits?

The benefits of pineapple, mint, apple and lemon smoothie

The main purpose of this natural drink is to help relax the body to combat disorders such as stress, anxiety and tension.

Thanks to the nutritional qualities of each of its ingredients, this drink supports the detoxification of the body because it stimulates the elimination of toxins.

This relaxing smoothie indeed contains a significant amount of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins.  These ingredients help prevent constipation, promote the elimination of body fat, and improve heart health. Let’s also see the other properties of this smoothie:

  • The sweet scent of mint acts as a muscle relaxant, great for reducing tension and controlling blood pressure.
  • One of the main active compounds in this smoothie is bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple that is used to improve digestion, reduce inflammation and relax muscles.
  • Apple contains pectin, a type of fiber needed for digestion and for healthy cardiovascular health.
  • On the other hand, lemon is a powerful detoxifier that helps clean up waste and strengthens the immune system. It also promotes better quality sleep.

This smoothie also helps fight headaches by relaxing the neuronal conglomerate that generates this type of pain.

In general, this smoothie is designed for people who exercise a lot and those who experience stress and anxiety frequently.

How to prepare this relaxing smoothie?

This natural and relaxing smoothie is a healthy alternative to commercial drinks that are full of sugars and additives. It is also very easy to prepare.

The ingredients used are readily available and almost always inexpensive.

You can enjoy it any time of the day or to relax when you get home from a exhausting day.


  • 1 green apple
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 pineapple rings
  • 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • To start, wash the green apple (with the skin) and the 6 mint leaves well.
  • Then cut the apple and the pineapple rings.
  • Then, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons and immediately pour it into the food processor with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Mix everything for a few minutes until you get a smooth juice.
  • The skin of the apple will add a fibrous touch. However, it is not necessary to filter the juice because this element is good for the health.
  • Finally, serve it chilled and add ice cubes if you wish.

Way of consuming

  • Take a tall drink whenever you feel the need to fight fatigue and relax your body.
  • You can also consume it when you have a sudden urge to eat high-calorie foods.

However, if the goal is to take advantage of its detoxifying and diuretic properties, it is good to consume it in the morning, half an hour before breakfast.

In any case, it is good to drink it three times a week.

To know !

Despite its virtues and nutritional richness, this drink alone will not improve the damage caused by stress and tension in the body.

This is why it is essential to associate its consumption with the practice of relaxation techniques and other good habits that improve the quality of life.

The best is to consume this drink in addition to a slimming diet. Indeed, its consumption encourages weight loss thanks to its satiating and digestive power.

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