Relaxation Exercises For Deep Sleep

When going to bed, it is important to turn off the cell phone and the television, and you must also learn to let worries out of the bedroom .

Lack of sleep is one of the most common problems today. It is essential to rest daily to recover strength, regenerate tissues and put stress aside. Below you will find relaxation exercises that will allow you to sleep soundly.

The time to sleep is sacred

The mind is very powerful, which can be good or bad. We can make a situation better or worse, depending on how we think.

When it comes to sleep, it’s not just about laying your head on a pillow and waiting for it to arrive.

It is advisable to relax in order to feel a wonderful sensation making us take a 180 ° turn.

There are many natural tips for getting a good night’s sleep.

These remedies make it possible to avoid having to resort to drugs or syrups. Or having to leave the television on.

These habits can be detrimental to health. When it comes to drugs, they generate dependency.

It is recommended that you do not watch any movies, series or TV shows that show violence. The central nervous system will indeed be excited and imbalanced when it comes to sleeping.

Also be aware that if you check your messages or social media right before sleeping, it will be more difficult for you to fall asleep.

It is advisable to leave this device as far as possible from your bed. To deactivate the internet. 

Another paragraph should be devoted to the bad uses that one makes of the room, in particular of the bed. We sometimes get into the bad habit of revising or working on it.

The bed should not be used for work or for study, remember that!

Finally, food is closely linked with the way you sleep and rest.

A large dinner, high in fat and sugars, will interfere with your ability to fall asleep. The same is true of drinking alcohol or coffee. In such cases, wait a few hours before you can rest properly.

It’s important to eat early (about two hours before going to bed) and eat light. So do not reserve. Also drink an herbal infusion, which is much healthier than caffeine.

Prefer raw foods and not overcooked, or eat in small quantities.

Relaxation exercise so you can sleep through the night

Enjoying hours of sleep is not a whim, but a necessity.

Recharge your mind with positive thoughts and get deep rest.

If you enjoy restful sleep, you can let go of stress, excessive fatigue, muscle aches, worries, anxiety and nervousness.

There is a meditation technique that has many benefits and can help you heal or treat certain pains if you practice it diligently.

Know that the spirit will reject it at first and that you will have some difficulty in relaxing. So don’t force the situation. Don’t get upset and give up.

Responding to natural methods will take some effort if you are used to other techniques for sleeping (such as television or medication). Don’t worry though because sooner or later you will get there.

Educate your mind by meditating. You will be able to sleep well at night and be successful in whatever you do. To do this, follow the steps below:

Dine light

We have already told you about the consequences of a dinner that is too heavy to digest in the evening.

Your body will not be able to do anything more if it works on digestion.

You will indeed feel very heavy in the morning if you go to bed right then. You will also tend to wake up in the middle of the night.

Get a massage

Apply pressure with your fingertips on your scalp, from the forehead to the back of your neck.

There are small items that can make your job easier. You can also ask a loved one to help you in hard-to-reach areas.

Put on some quiet music

You are probably already used to noises if you live in the city. This does not mean, however, that they are good for your health.

So put on some quiet music. Like those used in meditation or yoga classes.  Hindu, Buddhist or Chinese style.

You can also listen to classical music. There is music that recalls certain sounds of nature. They take up the song of birds, the sound of a river or the rain on the window.

So try one of these options until you find the one that helps you relax the most!

Breathe consciously

Breathing is very important. We should therefore not take it lightly. Before going to sleep, sit on the edge of the bed with your back straight and your shoulders slightly back.

Breathe deeply through your nose three times. You can also close your eyes to relax further.

With each exhale, imagine that you are relieving tension, stress and worry.

As you breathe in, think that a soft, serene light is spreading through your body.

Move your feet and hands

In the same position, move your feet up and down, to the sides. Also make circles with the pegs.

Do the same with your hands and wrists. You will see that the results will be excellent.

You will go to bed happy and relaxed … and therefore sleep like a baby!

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