Purify The Colon With Herbal Remedies

Mint relaxes us and helps us to treat many problems in the digestive system. In addition, it improves the absorption of nutrients, and takes care of our intestines.

And you, do you cleanse your colon regularly? It is considered to be an essential way to obtain a balance in our body: to detoxify and to feel a little better. We will tell you how to successfully cleanse the colon with the best herbal remedies. 

The importance of purifying the colon

The importance of purifying the colon.

It often happens that we suffer from constipation, eat poorly without realizing it and end up getting sick. Bad nutrients, little fiber, digestive problems… all of these effects have an impact on our colon. 

But do you really know what the function of our colon is? Extract salt and residues, maintain metabolic balance, extract vitamin K and other vitamins.

It is very important because thanks to it we are able to restore our organism and enjoy better health.

But if we accumulate too much waste in the colon, if we stop providing it with vitamins, it will become paralyzed and the effects will be noticed directly in our body: fatigue, discomfort, intestinal inflammation … it is worth keeping account. 

Medicinal plants suitable for purifying the colon

How can herbal remedies help us balance the health of our colon? Very simple, there are several plants whose properties are very good for purifying, reducing inflammation, taking care of the colon and intestines.

It is good to drink a cup of these infusions every day to make us feel better. A simple resource that we must supplement with the help of a correct diet and adapted lifestyle habits.

We will now see which plants can help us. 

1. The benefits of anise

A simple remedy that lowers inflammation, regulates intestinal and digestive functions and, moreover, acts as a protector of our intestines and colon.

It is very advisable to drink an infusion of anise after the main meal. Thanks to it, we promote digestion and the correct absorption of nutrients. It deflames and protects.

To do this, just add a spoonful of star anise in a glass of hot water. Let bring to a boil and stand for a few minutes. It will enchant you!

2. Digestive mint

Mint to purify the colon.

Mint has many benefits. It is a plant with multiple virtues and almost all of them are linked to the digestive system. 

It is relaxing, improves the absorption of nutrients and takes care of our intestines. To benefit from it, we can drink infusions, also with mint oil: a spoonful per day.

It can be found in health food stores and it is an adequate and effective treatment to treat any colon problem.

3. The virtuous chamomile

Chamomile to purify the colon.

Who isn’t won over by a cup of chamomile? It is incredibly beneficial, and even applied topically for toning.

It is a great anti-inflammatory, it heals and tones. It is worth drinking a cup of it a day, in order to detoxify the intestines and colon every day, without us realizing it. If you drink an infusion every morning, you will start the day well.

4. Fennel tea

Fennel to purify the colon.

Maybe you know the tasty infusion of fennel seeds. It is one of the healthiest and most digestive drinks there is. It has a slight licorice flavor that will enchant you and make you feel extremely good.

It is an anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and protective plant for our digestive system. It is very suitable when we feel, for example, full or bloated, with slight fatigue or discomfort.

If you take fennel tea after your meals, it will help you feel better. Don’t hesitate, it’s always a good choice.

5. Thyme tea

Thyme to purify the colon.

You will find it in all natural products stores. It is a very common medicinal plant in the Mediterranean, which helps us to purify ourselves.

It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, so it promotes digestion and relieves spasms and discomfort. It is especially good at removing putrefactions from our intestines, acting as a great colon cleanser.

It only takes a spoonful of thyme in a glass of boiling water. Wait for it to come to a boil and let stand for 10 minutes.

6. Dandelion to purify the colon

Recommended for many conditions. It is a great digestive and a good anti-inflammatory. It’s good to have a few dandelion blossoms always on hand to make an after-meal infusion, even after breakfast.

Thanks to them, we will find a good balance in our organism. They will make us feel good. It costs nothing to brew a cup a day: you will feel its good effects.

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