Orange Cake: A Quick And Easy Recipe

Find out here how to quickly and easily prepare an orange cake. This cake will have nothing to envy to more elaborate recipes.

If orange cake stands out for anything, it is mainly for its versatility. The possibilities are varied and therefore there are many variations.

Orange cake is so popular that there are even recipes that use the microwave instead of the oven that take five minutes to prepare.

This simplicity is due mainly to its thickness, which is similar to the size of a yogurt pot. This cake has other qualities as a dessert.

  • This dessert stays spongy for several days
  • Eaten cold or hot, the taste remains delicious. So follow your desire!

For this cake, we advise you to opt for a square or rectangular mold.

You can even make this cake in a mug, the trend being mugcake, but of course the amounts of each ingredient will not be what is shown in this article.

In any case, the basis of this recipe will take you no more than five minutes.

In addition, this recipe can be used as a basis for making other cakes. All you need to do is replace the star food, in other words orange, with the ingredient of your choice.

So, if you fancy a chocolate cake, you can replace the orange with chocolate.

Orange cake: the ingredients

orange cake in a mold

  • 1 pot of plain yogurt (125)
  • 3 eggs
  • flour (measure: 3 pots of yogurt)
  • sugar (measure: 2 pots of yogurt)
  • 1 large orange
  • olive oil (measure: 1 pot of yogurt)
  • 1 sachet of powdered yeast
  • butter to butter the mold or baking paper

Depending on the intensity of the taste desired, use more or less strong oil. The amount of oil will depend on your taste.

Orange cake: the preparation

  • First, pour the pot of yogurt into a container. As for the yogurt pot, it will serve as the universal unit of measure for the other ingredients in this recipe.
  • Then preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius for ten minutes.
  • Grate the skin of the orange until only the white part remains.
  • Then completely peel the orange and crush the orange quarters that you will put in another container.
  • In this new container, add the sugar, eggs, yogurt, orange zest and olive oil. Beat the mixture with an electric mixer until you obtain a perfectly homogeneous dough.
  • Now is the time to add the flour and baking powder. Remember to pass these ingredients through a sieve before adding them to the mixture.

Let’s go on…

  • Butter your mold, either using your fingers or using a brush. You can also use baking paper instead of butter. Thanks to this step, your cake will not stick to the mold.
  • Pour the batter into the mold.
  • Bake the mold at 180 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes. If you’ve opted for an irregular pan, keep in mind that it takes five to ten minutes longer for baking.
  • It’s time to take the toothpick test to find out if the cake is ready. Stick a toothpick into the cake. If the toothpick comes out without a trace of cake, your orange cake is ready. If not, wait a little longer.
  • When your cake is ready, take it out of the oven. Let it cool a bit before removing it from the mold so that it does not fall apart.
  • All you have to do is serve your cake and enjoy it!

Orange cake: the presentation

orange cake with candied oranges

To present your delicious orange cake during a visit, for example, you can decorate it with candied oranges.


  • 1 or 2 oranges
  • 4 glasses of water (1 liter)
  • 5 cups of sugar (1 kg)


  • Put the sugar in the liter of water.
  • Dip the oranges in the mixture you just prepared. If you want to caramelize the oranges, bake them for five minutes before taking your cake out of the oven.

As you can see, this recipe is very easy to prepare. Don’t forget that it can be used as a base for preparing other recipes with an ingredient other than orange as a star food.

If you go with lemon, you will need to follow the same steps. You will then need to peel and grate the lemon.

If you opt for chocolate, simply heat it a little in a double boiler so that it incorporates more easily into the mixture.

Honey is also a great option!

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