Natural Treatment For Rosacea

To avoid interactions between these natural remedies and your medical treatment, it is important to always consult a specialist before using them.

Today we are exposed to all kinds of diseases, from the best known to the rarest. Some diseases go unnoticed. Others, like rosacea, cannot be covered up, as they most often appear on the face. However, there is a natural treatment for rosacea.

In addition to its own symptoms, rosacea has other negative aspects. Indeed, it damages self-esteem and sometimes causes depression. It can even cause problems in the workplace where you have to be around other people!

What is rosacea?

Natural treatment for rosacea

It is a chronic skin disease characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels. As we have already said, it mostly affects the face, sometimes also the eyes. But it rarely manifests on the rest of the body.

Rosacea causes redness, usually on the middle of the face. Indeed, inflammatory nodules can also appear and are accompanied by swelling and itching. Skin capillaries become apparent. It most often occurs in people between 30 and 50 years old.

When the eyes are affected, inflammation and dryness occurs causing the sensation of having a foreign body in the eye. Rosacea makes the skin thicker, the nose looks more swollen and bigger. This deformity of the nose is found more often in men and is called rhinophyma.

Unfortunately, no treatment has been discovered to date to cure this disease. However, there are ways to treat and control it. As with all diseases, the best results are obtained when there is an early diagnosis.

Medical treatment may include the use of topical medications in mild cases. However, advanced states of the disease usually require the use of oral medications.

Natural treatment for rosacea

Always let your doctor know about your intention to start natural treatment for rosacea to avoid any interactions with medications he has already prescribed.

The natural remedies that we recommend will be used due to their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The role of natural treatment against rosacea is to reduce inflammation of the skin capillaries of the face. It also aims to prevent microorganisms from infecting existing lesions.

  • Chamomile: cleanse the face with the infusion of a spoonful of chamomile flowers in two glasses of water.
  • Apple tree: cleanse the face with a spoonful of apple vinegar diluted in a glass of water.

Chamomile extract soaps can also be very helpful.

  • The olive tree: carry out light massages with olive oil, by describing circles with the fingers.
  • Cucumber: place cucumber slices on the inflamed areas for 5 minutes.

Home remedies for dry skin

Cucumber creams as a natural treatment for rosacea are also beneficial for patients.

  • Oats: Oatmeal calms itching, soothes redness and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Pour water into a cup and add two tablespoons of oatmeal to it. Gently rub the affected area.
  • Tea tree oil:  it is recommended for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply a few drops by rubbing slowly with the index finger.
  • Meadow clover: This plant contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, niacin and vitamin C. You can drink meadow clover tea twice a day.

Rosacea is manifested by recurrent outbreaks: it is therefore necessary to avoid the factors that trigger these episodes.

Factors that trigger flare-ups

  • Exposure to the sun without sun protection.
  • Intense exercise.
  • The stress.
  • Wind.
  • Menopause.
  • Very low temperatures.
  • Hot water baths.

Foods to avoid

  • Condiments.
  • Whole grains.
  • Fermented cheeses.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Spicy foods.

Some additional tips

Always use sunscreen, use cosmetics for sensitive skin, dry your face with a gentle dab, and consume group B vitamins.

Certain foods and certain circumstances trigger rosacea flare-ups; take this into account to be able to avoid them and to prevent recurring episodes.

See your doctor immediately if you have symptoms of rosacea, to prevent the disease from spreading.

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