My Perfectly Imperfect Body

Start by looking beyond the mirror. Stop getting mad at yourself for the fat on your thighs or the wrinkles on your face. You are worth much more than that.

“I am not happy the way I am. I don’t like my body, don’t find myself handsome / beautiful. And I hate my teeth, my chest, my hips. I have extra pounds. Since my pregnancy, I have not recovered my figure. I never approach others. I am afraid of the judgment of others. All my friends are in a relationship except me… ”

Do these phrases speak to you? It is the dialogue that we ourselves have with our mirror.

It is a kind of self-sabotage that generates very strong feelings of insecurity, which undermine self-esteem and which sacrifice our self-esteem.

We love to mentally crush ourselves thinking about what doesn’t please us about ourselves but we spend little time thinking about what we like and doing a job to fully love ourselves. 

Once you’ve read this, start thinking about what you like about yourself. Maybe it’s your eyes, your hair, your kindness, your intransigence …

You will probably think about aspects related to your interior, your soul, before thinking about purely physical questions.

This is also evident, because in inner beauty there are no socially imposed canons, since each of us has values ​​and our own way of conceiving what is or is not a good person.

In this way, we do not judge ourselves based on external criteria, but according to those that we have forged ourselves.

In addition, since it is something very intimate, we allow ourselves to be more flexible because it is entirely up to us. We take this as an opinion and not as an absolute truth.

My body is healthy.

There are lives behind the mirror

It could be that your body is full of streaks, that you have extra pounds. That you can’t stop your wrinkles or your breasts aren’t as big as you want them to be.

However, your body is not your enemy. Because of your thoughts, you confront him, and you end up convincing yourself not to like him for one reason or another.

You can’t imagine how much you’re losing if you don’t look beyond the mirror.

In addition, you compromise your well-being every time you do not want to observe yourself, explore yourself, and recognize yourself in your silhouette, in your female or male body.

You are not what an anti aging cream does for you. You are the love of every corner of your body and you need to understand that your cellulite comes on for a reason and that you have fought thousands of battles.

However, you eventually know that the important thing is to be healthy and to love yourself. 

You are not safe with yourself if every time you look in the mirror you have a fight because of the fat in your thighs, the thinness of your buttocks, the bulges in your back or the wrinkles. of your face.

You need to create an intimate and safe space for your body, instead of punishing and humiliating yourself.

Your imperfect body makes you real

The perfect woman exists and is within you. Do not try to conform to a magazine model because everyone has their own figure.

Don’t try to fit into a puzzle pattern that keeps you from being the woman you want to be. Be aware of the miracle of life and the privilege it offers you.

The most beautiful curve of your body is your smile. Don’t allow anyone to judge your personal worth based on your face, figure, or hair.

Take advantage of what your body offers you because you have the right to live and be happy by being yourself, free from masks and feelings of guilt. 

Love your body

Have the courage to be yourself and to feel free. Choose your path and overcome your fears and fears.

Always take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. Always keep within yourself the personal satisfactions that allow you to continue to smile at life with intensity.

You are unique and irreplaceable, so remember that there is a light within you that is constantly struggling to stay on.

You have a lot to give within yourself. No one can hurt you if you don’t allow it.

You yourself can do no harm if you do not give free rein to self-sabotage and underestimation of yourself.

Make peace with your body and forget about this war on your weight and height. Your courage depends on you and your enjoyment, not on your curves or your wrinkles, more or less marked.

The key to beauty is in the eyes you look at yourself with, and only you can feel beautiful inside and out.

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