Low Carbohydrate Diet For Weight Loss: What You Need To Know

The ketogenic diet leads to weight loss with improved metabolic status.

The low-carbohydrate diet corresponds to a dietary trend that is based on reducing this type of nutrient to favor proteins and fats. This trend has gained in relevance in recent years thanks to the scientific support that accompanies it.

Most of the time, this diet results in the reduction of body fat and therefore weight. However, what makes it even more interesting is its effect on our metabolism. In this article, we tell you more about this food trend and give you some guidelines on how to follow it.

An article published in The New England Journal of Medicine magazine indicates that the low-carb diet generates  weight loss and improves markers of health. Let’s take a closer look at how it works.

What is a low carbohydrate diet?

A diet low in carbohydrates implies a higher proportion of fat and protein. We also call it the ketogenic diet.

For decades, we have believed that fat is bad for your health. In the meantime, diet products that are low in fat, and often loaded with sugar, have taken over supermarkets. It was a big mistake that coincided with the onset of the obesity crisis.

How does the ketogenic diet work?

By avoiding sugar and starches,  blood glucose stabilizes and insulin levels decrease. This then promotes fat burning and helps one to feel fuller, reducing food intake and leading to weight loss.

Recommendations for following this diet?

Foods rich in healthy fats and proteins.

1. No feeling of hunger

One of the great benefits of a ketogenic diet is that it  regulates the level of glucose. This makes it possible to considerably space the sensation of hunger. Protein foods induce a higher level of satiety than those high in sugar. This is what a study published in 2015 reveals .

Eat when you are hungry, and eat enough until you can say “ I am full and satisfied” . If at some point you have finished eating and you still feel hungry, eat a handful of dried fruit or a piece of avocado and you will see that you are no longer hungry. Or maybe little cravings in the middle of the morning.

2. Don’t tempt the devil

At home, avoid any type of unauthorized carbohydrate and buy only what is needed to follow this ketogenic diet. In addition,  you can color your refrigerator and kitchen with fresh fruits, vegetables of all kinds as well as unprocessed meats.

3. Refresh and hydrate

Water is fundamental for our body and maintaining a hydrated body has many benefits. You can add some flavor to your water with fruit rinds, berries, and herbs.

4. Eat eggs

During this diet, it is often believed that there is not much to eat for breakfast, but quite the opposite! There are many ways to eat eggs: poached, boiled, fried, as an omelet with bacon, vegetables, or without a side dish.

On the other hand, if you feel hungry in the middle of the morning and can’t wait,  you can have a hard-boiled egg on hand that is easy to carry and satisfying.

In this regard, be aware that the consumption of eggs has no effect on cholesterol levels, as claimed in a study published in the magazine Nutrients.

A low carbohydrate diet.

5. Don’t be afraid of fat

Humans have consumed fat throughout their history, for hundreds of thousands of years. They are indeed essential for survival and  represent the macronutrient that contains the most energy per gram.

What can you eat on a low carbohydrate diet?

In this type of diet, it is important to know your allies in order to ingest fats and proteins from healthy sources  which not only help in reducing fatty tissue, but also in not feeling hungry or decreasing energy.

Foods of animal origin

All of these products will be better if the animals are raised outdoors and fed on forage. This  then avoids chemicals added as preservatives.

  • Duck.
  • Turkey.
  • Chicken.
  • Pork.
  • Rabbit.
  • Eggs.
  • Lamb.
  • Blue fish.
  • Beef or veal.
  • White fish.

Foods of plant origin

  • Olive oil.
  • Seeds (squash, flax and sesame).
  • Fruits with a high percentage of fat (coconut).
  • Dried fruits (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, etc.).
  • Vegetables of all colors  (always include spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower).
  • Low glycemic index fruits  (blueberries, raspberries).

Recommended drinks

  • Tea.
  • Water.
  • Coffee.

A woman drinking a glass of water.

Are there any contraindications to the low carbohydrate diet?

The majority of people can start any ketogenic diet immediately and safely. However,  in the following three cases, it may be necessary to make an additional adjustment and consult the doctor:

  • In case of treatment for diabetes.
  • Treatment with drugs for hypertension.
  • Breastfeeding or pregnancy period.

Finally, if you want to start a ketogenic diet, talk to your doctor or other healthcare professional. Discuss your medical history, the risks and benefits that this diet entails for you.

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