Juices To Lower Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is bad for our body because it causes complications such as blocked arteries. This condition requires constant and regular monitoring in order to prevent possible serious cardiovascular disease. Try these juices to lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels!

Juice recipes to lower your cholesterol

Apple juice 

Many studies confirm that the apple is very effective in lowering cholesterol levels, whether in the form of juice or raw fruit.

The apple is beneficial for general health, and particularly to help increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL), and reduce bad (LDL).

Drinking an apple juice a day is a natural method of cleaning the blood, thanks to its content of pectin, a soluble fiber that facilitates the expulsion of toxins, playing a purifying role for the body.

Lemon and ginger juice

Both contain active antioxidant agents that help lower cholesterol levels and prevent arteries from “clogging”.

Lemon helps lower high blood pressure and burn calories and fat. As for ginger, it has the power to prevent the formation of blood cells that affect good circulation, and to increase body temperature to also burn fat.

This juice is prepared using a lemon, 100 grams of ginger root, and a little water.

Juice to lower cholesterol.

Kiwi, strawberry, orange juice

This juice is packed with vitamin C which is great for preventing and controlling bad cholesterol.

These three fruits are healthy and delicious. Strawberries provide their aroma and sweet taste, while improving platelet function.

Pomegranate juice

This reddish-colored fruit is known to be an important source of antioxidants, wonderful for protecting the health of our heart.

In addition, they contain tannins, flavonoids and fibers that help say goodbye to cholesterol and high cholesterol.

Finally, the pomegranate helps prevent fluid retention, and fight hypertension.

Grape and pineapple juice

This juice is excellent for eliminating toxins, and lowering LDL cholesterol. Pineapple is one of the most effective fruits in this regard, which is why it is advisable to include it in diets against cholesterolemia.

If we combine its properties with those of grapes, we obtain an “elixir” to consume daily to reduce cholesterol, prevent heart disease, and improve blood circulation.

Beet juice against cholesterol.

Celery juice, apple, cucumber

To prepare this delicious juice, you will need three apples, two stalks of celery, and three quarters of a large cucumber.

Wash the apples properly, peel them, then remove their cores. Cut the cucumber into slices. Put everything in a blender, then serve in a glass.

This juice should be drunk on an empty stomach every morning for a week.

Pineapple, parsley, celery and cucumber juice

You will need a sprig of parsley, a sprig of celery, a cucumber, and two pineapple rings. Wash, cut and mix all these ingredients, then drink this juice every morning.

Celery, carrot, parsley and spinach juice

You will need a stalk of celery, a carrot, a handful of spinach and a sprig of parsley. Wash, cut and peel all the ingredients. Mix everything, then drink in a glass every morning before having your breakfast.

Banana, papaya and orange juice

You will need two slices of papaya, one orange, and two bananas. Peel the bananas, then cut them into slices. Squeeze the orange, and cut the papaya slices. Put everything in a blender, then drink every morning.

Cucumber juice for lowering cholesterol.

Cabbage and garlic juice

To prepare this juice, you will need two cloves of garlic, and half a medium-sized cabbage. Put all the ingredients in a blender, then add a glass of water.

Drink every morning, but be careful not to take this treatment for more than a week, because it weakens the thyroid gland.

Lemon juice, cucumber, garlic, aloe vera and grapefruit

You will need half a cucumber, two cloves of garlic, the juice of one lemon, a spoonful of aloe vera gel, and a glass of grapefruit juice. Wash all the ingredients properly, squeeze out their juice, then slice the cucumber into slices.

Grind the garlic, then put everything in a blender. Drink a glass of this juice a day, three times a week.

Apple juice, milk, pistachio ice cream and sugar

You will need two apples, a cup of milk, two scoops of pistachio ice cream, and sugar to taste. You can also add crushed ice.

Peel the apples, remove their hearts, then put all the ingredients in the blender, mix well.

Orange, apple, lemon and beet juice

This delicious juice contains an apple, half a lemon, two oranges, and a beet. Wash, peel and cut all the ingredients, then put them in the blender, and serve.

Lemon and apple are the “hardest work”, although the others are also great for lowering cholesterol.

Apple, broccoli, tomato, carrot and blueberry juice

This recipe consists of a peeled apple, without the core, and cut into quarters. One sliced ​​broccoli, one peeled and sliced ​​carrot, half a diced tomato, and one cup of whole or halved blueberries.

Put all the ingredients in a blender, and drink each morning. This juice provides fiber, the most important nutrients for your body.

Natural juices to lower cholesterol levels.

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