Juices And Infusions To Clean Blocked Arteries

A sedentary lifestyle and an inadequate diet can influence the blocked arteries. To deal with this problem, we need to improve our eating habits.

From a certain age, the arteries become blocked due to bad habits, among other reasons. In this article, we will explain the reasons as well as the consequences of this condition. And offer you some medicinal drinks that will help you naturally cleanse your blocked arteries.

Why are the arteries blocked?

With the passage of the years, our arteries tend to fill with fat. This forms a plaque on the interior lining, causing blockage and loss of elasticity.

There are certain factors that influence this serious health problem:

  • Smoking
  • High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • High blood pressure
  • Physical inactivity
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • The stress
  • Food with a high content of saturated fat
  • Genetic predisposition

Health risks

The arteries which gradually become blocked because of these factors, generate health problems which can have serious consequences.

This is because they can prevent blood and oxygen from reaching the heart. And it can even lead to angina or a heart attack.

This is why we must avoid risk factors. A good way is to get used to regularly consuming medicinal drinks, herbal teas and juices, which help us to clear blocked arteries in a natural way.

Juices and infusions to clean blocked arteries

1. White hawthorn

This medicinal plant has been used since ancient times for its protective properties for the health of the heart and arteries.

Thanks to its high content of flavonoids, minerals, dopamine and other components, white hawthorn helps dilate the coronary arteries and improve circulation in general.

It is for this reason that it is recommended in cases of tachycardia, arrhythmia, migraines and high blood pressure. This plant also has sedative properties that calm the nervous system and fight insomnia. You can take it as an infusion.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile is one of the most popular infusions, thanks to its relaxing and digestive properties. However, it is also necessary to underline its dilating and anti-inflammatory virtues. These positively influence the veins and arteries.

Indeed, they facilitate the circulation and the fluidity of the blood. As a result, chamomile also helps reduce high blood pressure.

3. Celery

Celery is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals like zinc and selenium, components that help protect arterial health.

Plus, it contains phthalide, a compound that relaxes the muscles around the arteries. It also promotes the dilation of the vessels, which helps to clean the blocked arteries.

Celery is also one of the most purifying foods. Because it encourages the elimination of toxins and liquids, in addition to having laxative properties. Celery juice tastes delicious and pairs well with foods like apple, pear or pineapple.

We recommend that you use tender, green branches and where possible, organic.

4. The pear

This refreshing fruit hides excellent properties for artery health. Because it regulates blood pressure. It has vasodilator effects thanks to its high potassium content. And  it thus prevents the formation of clots and helps to clean the blocked arteries naturally. 

Since it is a sweet fruit that is rich in water, pear is a great option for making juices. If you buy organic pears, you should not peel them, as their skin is also rich in beneficial nutrients.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple acts similarly to pear. Because it is rich in potassium and  helps maintain stable blood pressure. In addition, pineapple is a tropical fruit that is recommended to fight obesity.  It helps us lose weight gradually.

We can consume it directly, but you should know that the juices allow us to consume this fruit continuously, throughout the day.

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