I Loved You, I Loved You, But I Don’t Love You Anymore

You have to know how to keep a relationship alive, but you also have to know how to break it when there is no more. ‘love. It is painful, but essential to avoid unnecessary suffering.

Any relationship should be in a continuous motion, like the fish swimming in the sea. Losing love can be considered one of the most painful situations we have all been through at least once.

They are constantly moving, they are jumping, they are leaping… but when they stop doing all of that, everything is dead. If this moment has arrived in your relationship, it is the moment to say: I do not love you anymore.

Sometimes we just can’t tear ourselves away from this person who has been so important to us.

We were designed to make connections

We are all designed to establish bonds between us: with our family, our friends, our spouse, our children… This is why it is particularly hurtful that these bonds break one day, even if sometimes, it does not. there is no other alternative.

We tend to constantly forget that  all relationships are alive. This means that they change, although not always for the good.

A new person can come into our life, we can change the way we think… Lack of love is part of the end of a relationship.

This is why when the moment arrives to say “I don’t love you anymore”, pain, anger, disappointment and the feeling of abandonment appear.

We feel hurt and we have broken what we believed in.

Even so, it can be really positive to break up an unbearable relationship at times.

To struggle means to endure until we are no longer in power, until the suffering is such that we have no other choice but to move away.

Broken heart

Feeling how our heart is breaking is one of the most used metaphors to express disenchantment.

It is physical and mental pain that causes sadness and inappetence for most activities in life.

Why is this feeling so common and why does our heart break so much? How do you differentiate between being in love and love itself?

Although many people confuse these two terms, they are far removed from each other. Being in love is an attraction and a desire that makes us feel butterflies in the belly, which, over time, take flight.

Sometimes this terrible confusion results in us finding ourselves alongside someone we no longer love.

Falling in love is something fleeting, that’s what makes us vibrate. When that passes, this “I don’t love you anymore” becomes more accentuated each time.

Say “I don’t love you anymore”

Telling someone “I don’t love you anymore” is difficult and complicated because we know the other person is not going to react in a very positive way.

Despite this, being sincere will always be the best thing we can do. It is not easy, but it is necessary.

For this, facing it face to face will be something essential, in addition to expressing it in a clear, concise and straightforward manner, to prevent our spouse from being confused. This will save us a lot of trouble.

It is normal for reproaches and criticisms to appear that will throw the anger and disappointment you feel right in your face.

But don’t start doing it yourself, your spouse is hurt and you need to understand their reaction.

Recognizing the disenchantment takes a lot of courage and it is very important to feel empathy towards your spouse during this moment.

So, have no fear and always look for the friendliest way to share your opinions about the relationship.

This will promote understanding and you will understand together why you cannot continue together.

Have you ever had to go through that step where you had to say “I don’t love you anymore”?

It’s a complicated situation for both members of the couple, and it requires deep thought.

So, don’t wait too long to communicate your decision, because the longer you delay the moment, the more difficult it will be.

Important things should be said as soon as possible. Only then will you do as little harm as possible.

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