How To Relieve Headaches In Summer?

Headaches in the summer are a concern on vacation for many people. This article explains the reasons for summer migraines and how to prevent them.

Headaches in the summer are practically a medical entity, there is no doubt about it. The summer period is accompanied by an increase in consultations for migraines  and an exacerbation of episodes in migraine sufferers.

Surveys in various countries show that between  85% and 90% of people report having suffered from at least one headache in the past year. Thus, consultations for headaches are the most common in almost all health services.

It does not affect men and women in the same way. 80% of men have suffered from a headache in the past year compared to 95% of women. Likewise, migraine affects women more than men. It affects 15% of the general population.

But why is summer a risk factor for headaches? Indeed, it is supposed to be a period of relaxation, to carry out outdoor activities, avoid confinement and have a better climate. It is precisely these conditions that could work together and cause headaches.

So let’s take a look at some aspects of this multi-causality that hides behind headaches in summer.

Causes of headaches in summer

Headaches have several causes. With the exception of specific disease entities which contain a clear etiology,  the most common headaches are not caused by a single factor.

Headaches in the summer are no exception. Indeed, the pain does not come from the simple fact of being in summer, but from a combined series of situations which depend on the season of the year. A common combination results in travel, changing habits and exposure to the sun.

The heat

Heat, of course, is one of the causes. In summer, when ambient temperatures are higher, the body develops vasodilation. This means that the  caliber of the blood vessels increases  to exchange heat energy with the outside and not to suffer from heat stroke. As an undesirable effect,  vasodilation may be the etiological basis of migraines.

Alcohol consumption and dehydration

In summer, there is also a greater demand for hydration on the part of the body  due to the ambient temperature. This need is often compensated for with alcohol in the warmer months. But  alcohol does not hydrate,  and dehydration takes its course. Which can cause headaches.

Changes in sleep schedules

A woman who has insomnia

Changes in daytime and nighttime hours can also be the cause of worsening migraines. With more light during the day,  the body changes its habits and hours of sleep. In summer, it is classic to reduce the hours of rest, or even to have insomnia.

Indeed, people who do not suffer from insomnia manifest it regularly during the summer. The worker relaxes, the children do not have to get up early, the screens are on longer, social life increases,  stimulating substances are consumed… etc. With insomnia, headaches are more common.

How to prevent headaches in summer?

So let’s see  what measures can be taken to avoid the onset of headaches in summer. These are all simple steps. And we can divide them into 2 goals:

  • Counteract the heat of summer
  • Counteract summer habits

Heat measures to prevent headaches in summer

  • Protect yourself from the sun: the summer sun is perceived more intensely by the body. It is essential to protect yourself with hats and preferably wear white clothes. Sunglasses are also very useful. If possible, outdoor activities should be done outside of midday when the light is brighter.
  • Avoid drastic temperature changes: it is customary in summer to operate the air conditioning at full power. But entering and leaving air-conditioned places is also a trigger for headaches
  • Keep the house cool: inside the house, it is better to keep it cool rather than turning on the air conditioning which will generate cold air. Fans are smarter
  • Hydrate: During the summer, the body needs more water than usual. In order  to prevent dehydration,  it is advisable to ingest fluids at regular intervals and to avoid dehydrating drinks such as alcohol.

A woman who hydrates herself during exercise

Measures for summer habits

  • Eat healthy: You can hydrate yourself more by consuming foods that contain water, such as fruits and vegetables. For those who suffer from migraines, it is best to avoid foods containing substances associated with the headache. For example, cold cuts or chocolate
  • Rest as usual: a change of routines seems to be the rule in summer. Experts agree that the best practice is to maintain the same schedules all year round, including the hours of sleep. We can even add a nap of about 30 minutes at the time of the day when the sun is most intense.

In summary…

During the summer,  exposure to a series of factors that can influence the onset of headaches increases. The rise in temperature, coupled with dehydration and sleeplessness may explain why this symptom increases at this time of year.

Fortunately,  there are treatments and habits that can be applied at home  both to prevent their onset and to relieve existing pain. Do not forget it !

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