How To Recover Hours Of Sleep?

It is not possible to compensate for the loss of sleep. Although you may feel less tired at times, the excesses that you have put on your body and brain cannot be compensated for.

If you are one of those people who thinks that you are balancing your rest by staying up late today and getting more sleep tomorrow, you are wrong. It is biologically impossible to recover hours of sleep. Sleep loss never reverses. In addition, it can cause health problems.

The body needs a certain number of hours of rest each day to be able to function normally. Normal sleep includes between seven and nine hours a day. If you get less sleep than that, sooner or later you will feel the negative effects.

The body works in cycles and not as a cumulative vessel. If the body does not complete one cycle, it begins the next with this deficit. However, the next cycle does not borrow anything from the previous cycle to balance itself, but takes place independently.

Find out in this article how sleep loss affects us and why it is not possible to compensate for it.

Loss of hours of sleep

Sleep is a fundamental physiological process for humans and for many animals. This is because the brain does not rest while you sleep, but it is more active. It advances the fundamental processes of organization and self-healing.

When you don’t get enough sleep, the first thing that is affected are your cognitive processes. You cannot process information in the same way, you become less able to learn, and you have problems concentrating. In addition, your mood tends to be affected.

If you’ve adopted a lifestyle where you go to bed very late and wake up very early, you’re going to be in deficit every day.

If, for example, you fall asleep at 2 a.m. and wake up at 7 a.m., you owe your body at least two hours of sleep a day. One week equals 14 hours, or two full nights of sleep.

When this lasts for a long time, the effects also become permanent. In other words, you will usually have limited intellectual performance, a bad mood, and more of an organic problem.

It is impossible to recover hours of sleep. Therefore, these lifestyles are very harmful.

Recover hours of sleep

Those who believe in recovering hours of sleep begin to organize their lives around irregular rest cycles. Besides the consequences already mentioned, one of the effects of this situation is that the “circadian rhythm” is affected.

The circadian rhythm is a kind of biological clock that we all have. The immediate consequence of the altered circadian rhythm is a kind of chaos in the production of hormones.

The whole organism works in sync, and if you change something, everything else changes. It is as if you change the movement of one of the hands of the clock: the others will start to mark another hour, or they will be damaged.

Changes in hormone production cause, for example, weight gain, loss of appetite and skin problems.

In the long run, your entire metabolism changes, making you more vulnerable to serious illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and even heart problems.

Sleep hygiene

A woman sleeping peacefully accumulating hours of sleep

Instead of worrying about recovering for hours or not being able to sleep, the right thing to do is change your habits to ensure you get adequate rest and take care of your health. Some desirable measures are:

  • Know your sleep pattern:  do a little self-diagnosis. Write down the time you go to bed and the time you wake up, for about 15 days. This will give you a basic overview to know what steps to take to improve your rest.
  • Adapt your environment before going to sleep:  eliminate strong lights, noises and all those stimuli that can affect your sleep
  • Have a good bed:  A good bed is a highly profitable financial investment. You will probably spend a third of your life in it and it should be comfortable
  • Set a schedule:  always lie down at the same time and do the same to get up. Keep this calendar for more than 45 days and you will probably get used to it. You should always sleep at least 7 hours
  • Exercise and relax:  To sleep better, exercise at least 15 minutes a day. Never overdo it near your bedtime. When bedtime approaches, the exercises you should do are relaxation exercises

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