How To Prevent Cervical Osteoarthritis?

Since we spend a third of our days in bed, it is essential that our mattress and pillow are comfortable to promote good body posture and avoid pain.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints. When we talk about cervical spondylosis, we are referring to the part of the spine located in the region of the neck. In other words, the one that constitutes the neck, where there is deterioration of the cartilages that protect the five corresponding vertebrae.

The vertebrae begin to touch and collapse as these cartilages deteriorate. This then causes severe pain, deformation and inflammation. This pathology generally presents itself during aging. It should be watched as soon as it occurs!

What are the symptoms of cervical spondylosis?

Cervical osteoarthritis causes a series of symptoms that we list below:

  • Tingling
  • Headaches
  • Muscle weakness
  • General weakness and loss of balance
  • Neck pain that increases with sudden movements
  • Some neck stiffness and muscle tension

Diagnosis of cervical osteoarthritis

When these symptoms appear, a simple diagnosis is made which begins with a clinical examination of the patient and a study of the symptoms.

Consult your general practitioner or go see a specialist. He will thus tell us the measures and medications to take. He will also inform us about the other elements to be taken into account to deal with this pathology.

Also, pay close attention to any additional recommendations that will be made to us once the diagnosis has been made.

Prevention of cervical osteoarthritis

It is important to know the measures to prevent this pathology. We will therefore give you some tips to prevent cervical osteoarthritis and take appropriate measures.

Avoid overloading one of the two arms when carrying weight. An imbalance in the body indeed affects the stability of the neck. This therefore causes pain, muscle tension, stiffness and stiff neck.cervical spondylosis

We also advise you not to sleep with your head resting on a pillow that is too high. This could indeed cause you fatigue in the cervical vertebrae.

You should also avoid staying in the same position for too long. Or avoid certain postures that can cause pain or discomfort when lying down. Also use a well-suited mattress to allow the whole body to rest in a good position.

People who must perform physical activity should avoid sudden or too fast movements, or those who require greater effort and may pose a risk to the spine.

For better prevention of cervical spondylosis, it is recommended to practice various aerobic exercises, stretching exercises and relaxation sessions.

Among these different techniques are acupuncture, pilates and meditation, which will allow us to release the stress that is at the root of this ailment and many others in our time.

Remember …

Remember that with age there are conditions and pathologies that can be anticipated and prevented. That is why it is advisable to take good care of your body. To keep it healthy and flexible, so that our skeleton, muscles, ligaments and cartilages are always ready to move.

Add to that a healthy diet and lifestyle. They will allow you to be in good condition to deal with any illness that may arise.

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