How To Naturally Treat The Heel Spur?

Certain natural remedies and wearing comfortable shoes help relieve pain caused by heel spur.

This protuberance of the bone that appears when the heel is saturated with too much pressure is known as heel spur.

When the pain is severe, some shoes become uncomfortable.

Discover here some tips to treat this condition.

What is heel spur?

When the tendons that insert into the bone of the foot are inflamed, the heel spur appears. It is also known as Lenoir’s thorn.

This thorn corresponds to a protuberance at a point which can be very painful, in particular during an effort or after several hours without moving. It affects women more because of the wearing of heels.

Symptoms usually appear in the morning after nighttime rest.

The main causes of heel spur are as follows:

  • stress
  • unsuitable shoes
  • practice of intense sport
  • overweight
  • bad postures while walking
  • prolonged standing position

The symptoms are easy to detect: in addition to the protuberance, there is an oppressive pain to the touch in the Achilles heel.

Exercises to treat heel spur

Treating a heel spur

Even if it may seem contradictory to do exercises if you suffer from this problem, in addition to resting, you must strengthen your heel in order to avoid more acute pain.

Stretching is very important. They relieve the heel spur and are also used to prevent this symptom.

Exercise 1

  • Sitting on a chair or in bed, stretch the foot forward (so that it is aligned with the leg). The toes should be turned towards the ground as much as possible.
  • Stretch your toes upward looking at the ceiling.
  • Repeat ten times each movement.

Exercise 2

  • You can also make circles of 360 ° C with the ankle. Take a clockwise turn, then switch directions.
  • Do at least ten repetitions on each side.

Exercise 3

  • Stand facing a wall and step onto it with your toes.
  • The idea is to apply light pressure with the body so that the ankle becomes stronger.

Exercise 4

Using small balls (for example, tennis balls) can relieve the heel spur.

  • Barefoot, press the ball on the sole of the foot and exert some pressure while making various circular or lateral movements.

Some patients use a night ferrule that allows the foot to be stretched out so that the plantar fascia can rest better.

During the day, the use of special orthopedic insoles can reduce pain and correct bone calcification. These soles have a soft area where the spur is located which cushions the contact with the ground. They are made to measure, so you must consult a doctor.

If you play sports, you must warm up before the activity. This will prevent lesions. It is also very important to wear suitable shoes. This advice applies to everyone, whether or not they exercise.

Home remedies for heel spur

heel spur

Apple vinegar

This ingredient used in many dishes can become an ally for the health of the feet.

  • Just soak a cotton ball in vinegar and rub it gently on the affected area.
  • You can also fill a basin with lukewarm water and add a dash of vinegar. Soak your foot inside and leave for a few minutes (until the water cools).
  • You can also pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray a piece of paper that you will place on your sole so that it is in contact with the foot (in case you are not using socks).

Ice cubes

When the pain does appear, it is important to reduce the inflammation. Here’s a great way to do it: applying cold using ice cubes.

  • Put several ice cubes in a plastic bag and apply the bag to the affected area.
  • You can also put the foot in a container of cold water with ice cubes.


This orange condiment that brings great flavor to dishes is also excellent for reducing pain and inflammation in general, thanks to curcumin.

Mix turmeric with a little water to obtain a paste. You can wash your feet with this paste.


Salt water baths have the ability to relieve and relax the feet. This remedy is particularly effective when we spend a lot of time on our feet or wear unsuitable shoes.

To do at the end of the day.


You can apply  flax seeds  in the form of compresses.

  • Heat a handful of flax seeds and wrap them in a cloth.
  • Apply this cloth to the affected area.
  • Rinse your foot by alternating cold and hot water.

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