How To Make Your Own Honey Lemon Candy To Treat Cough

Even though we can buy them in drugstore or supermarket, making our honey lemon candies at home, we are sure to make them with top quality ingredients.

In the market and in pharmacies, one can find various products without the need for a medical prescription, but there is a method of preparing honey and lemon candy for cough with ingredients of natural origin.

Coughing is one of the first defense mechanisms the body uses to expel harmful agents that enter through the airways.

She is very productive when accompanied by phlegm , which have the function of clearing the system blocked by excess phlegm.

It can also be dry, such as an allergic reaction to sudden changes in climate, air conditioning, exposure to environmental toxins, etc.

Whatever the reason, this is a relatively annoying symptom that we all want to be able to control so that we don’t have to interrupt our activities.

Fortunately, there are a variety of home and store remedies available that reduce throat irritation and speed recovery from the ailments that caused the cough.

The best known are candies or lozenges with moisturizers, which cause immediate relief while reducing the presence of bacteria and viruses.

Honey lemon candies to treat cough

Both honey and lemon are part of the catalog of natural cough remedies for hundreds of years.

100% natural, they have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that promote the recovery of the respiratory tract when they are blocked by excess mucus or agents that cause irritation.

The great advantage of preparing them in candy form is that they slowly dissolve in the mouth, which allows their analgesic qualities to be taken advantage of while they soften the larynx.

So that you no longer doubt their benefits, we are going to detail the properties of these two natural ingredients.

The benefits of honey

Pure bee honey is considered the best remedy for calming problems that interrupt the functions of the respiratory system .

The components that constitute it have been valued for their antibiotic and antioxidant effects which promote the elimination of harmful microbes to relieve the lungs.

Its main advantage is that it is very gentle on the stomach, which makes it suitable for use as a remedy for children.

In addition, it has a very pleasant flavor which brings sweetness to the throat.

From a nutritional point of view, this food provides us with:

  • Vitamin A.
  • vs.
  • D.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Copper.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Iron.
  • Calcium.
  • Iodine.
  • Sodium.

The benefits of lemon

Benefits of honey and lemon candies.

Grandmother’s traditional remedies have as main element the lemon , a citrus fruit that has traveled the world for its unrivaled flavor and medicinal properties.

Its juice and the extracts obtained from its bark are useful in developing treatments for the flu, colds, allergies and other problems that attack lung health.

Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, it is an essential nutrient that strengthens the immune system, increasing antibodies that prevent the attack of pathogenic elements.

It is important to point out that lemon has bactericidal, antiseptic and depurative properties which help to control the presence of harmful bacteria in the body. To prevent them from affecting the operation of the main systems.

How to prepare your honey and lemon candies?

Preparation of honey sweets.

The homemade sweets with honey and lemon are very easy to prepare and cost  less than the same candies sold in pharmacies.

The ingredients can be found in organic stores or supermarkets, at relatively affordable prices.


  • 1/2 cup of white sugar (100 g)
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of ground ginger (10 g)
  • 1/2 cup of honey (200 g)


  • To start, put the honey, lemon juice and ginger in a saucepan over low heat.
  • Mix everything together while the temperature rises.
  • When foam appears on top, reduce the temperature and continue mixing until reaching 150 ° or 155 ° C.
  • Then pour a few drops of the product into a glass of frozen water.
  • If they harden immediately, it means it’s good; otherwise, continue mixing for a few more minutes.
  • Let the mixture cool a little and pour it into candy molds.
  • When they are cool, remove them candies and cover them with powdered sugar.
  • Store them in the refrigerator, as they tend to stick.

Consumption method

  • Consume a candy every 4 hours.

Did you like the recipe? Try to prepare it at home and benefit from all the properties that these ingredients can bring to your body.

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