How To Avoid Fluid Retention And Body Swelling

Our diet is fundamental to regulate water retention. We must include ingredients with diuretic properties in our diet, while practicing regular physical activity to promote cleansing of the body.

What we know as fluid retention is usually the result of a buildup of water in the tissues of our body.

Why does this phenomenon occur? Most of the time, it is because of an imbalance in the circulation of fluids between different areas of our body. Our body constantly compensates for the level of fluids to keep the right amount.

When we drink more water than usual, we eliminate it through the kidneys, as urine, or through our sweat glands. The problem arises when our body can no longer eliminate this excess fluid. The balance is then upset, the body accumulates fluids and water retention is formed.

Hydration and edema

Staying hydrated and having edema are not two things. Edemas are an eloquent demonstration that our body stores fluids, especially if they occur in the legs.

It is in the legs that the circulation of liquids is most difficult, simply because of gravity. It is therefore in this part of our body that most imbalances occur. Especially if we spend a lot of time sitting or standing.

Generally, edemas are caused by a hormonal situation dominated by the production of estrogen, by an excess of sodium in the body and by poor blood circulation, caused by sedentarism.

If fluid retention is also manifested in the upper part of our body, with the formation of edemas on the arms, hands or even the face, this is certainly due to a dysfunction of the kidneys.

Fluid retention is common and normal in women when they have their period.

How the veins work

Our veins, unlike what we might think, are not static channels. The walls of the veins allow the circulation of various fluids.

Sometimes, for different reasons, the mechanism that regulates this flow of fluids does not work well. Therefore, they accumulate in various parts of our body.

Why is this happening?

  • Usually, this is because the veins do not have the consistency necessary to retain fluids, which happens especially in the presence of varicose veins.
  • It can also be caused by standing for a long time or because of too much pressure inside the blood vessels.

Warning signs of fluid retention

A clear indicator of water retention is when a white mark remains for a long time when we exert light pressure on the skin on our leg.

It’s kind of a big white dot.

If your fluid retention is regular and edema is visible, we advise you to see a doctor.

This is the only way to prevent complications that can occur with poor blood circulation.

Some tips for eliminating liquids 

tips to avoid fluid retention Physical exercise is essential to avoid fluid retention. If you want to start there, we recommend that you perform exercises that do not require too much resistance on your part. exercises that do not have a significant muscle impact.

Physical activity activates blood circulation, especially in the legs, by compressing the muscles on the veins.

Activating circulation makes it possible to eliminate excess fluids through urine. Elastic tights can also help prevent this from happening. Especially in people who have a very sedentary activity. Whether they have to sit or stand for a long time.

Tights should be put on before starting daily chores.

Other tips you can put into practice:

  • Eat fruits and vegetables. They are always beneficial for our organism. They make it possible, in this specific case, to reduce water retention, thanks to the decongestant effect available to them, in particular the grapes.
  • Pineapple and papaya, as well as all fruits high in potassium, like bananas, melon, and watermelon, are great foods if you tend to retain fluids.
  • To improve the appearance of your swollen ankles, you can elevate your legs at different times of the day. Your feet should be higher than your knees and hips.
  • Wear comfortable clothes. Clothes that are too tight can make it harder for your blood to flow and increase your fluid retention.
  • You have to get used to consuming less salt. Even though your body needs it, too much salt can increase water retention.
  • Finally, we recommend that you consume aromatic herbs and plants with diuretic properties, such as horsetail, green tea and dandelion, for example.

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