How Do You Eliminate “time Thieves” From Your Life?

There are many time thieves in our lives. We have assimilated them so much that we do not recognize them as such. They force us to need more time to complete our daily tasks.

The hours of the day are not enough for you to carry out all your activities? You never manage to finish your job because of constant interruptions? In this case, you have to eliminate the time thieves who do not allow you to move forward.

In general, we often waste time with things that are not important. These time thieves are able to completely divert all of our attention.

Find out most of them in this article and start eliminating them from your life to have more time.

Identify the time thieves

how to eliminate time thieves from your life

The first thing you need to do in order to take action is to identify the thieves of your time.

  • It is important to know that everyone has their own time thieves. It could be certain people or other factors.
  • For this reason, you need to find out exactly what is wasting your time the most and not allowing you to move forward in your daily activities.

Plan your day

Sometimes it’s not that easy to plan everything we’re going to do in a day.

  • However, to make the most of the time, you will need to make a list of all the things that need to be done on the same day. This way you can leave out all the other things that are not as important.
  • Thus, you will be able to carry out all your activities in an organized manner.

Learn to use the word “NO”

  • You should know that you can’t always help everyone. For that you will have to learn and know how to say “NO” sometimes, without feeling guilty about it.
  • This way, you will avoid doing whatever other people want when they want to. Because, if you do this, you will have to stop your own activities.

Define your priorities

Each person has a specific schedule and can be more active at certain times of the day.

  • Some people can work all the time and still be productive, which is a big advantage. However, not everyone has the same ability.
  • Therefore, you need to identify what time of day you work best.  Once you have set this schedule, do not allow anything or anyone to interrupt you.

Delegate to others

You should know that you are not the only person who can do your job well. If you do everything yourself, leaving nothing for others, you won’t always have time to finish everything.

  • This is why you must learn to delegate activities to others. At the beginning, it will necessarily be necessary to train all the personnel in the simplest tasks and which do not require specialization.
  • This way, when you are overloaded with work, you can lean on others and have more time.

Control phone usage

Long conversations on the phone are usually a big time stealer. You should try to control the phone calls you make and the calls you receive.

  • If you know these are calls that aren’t urgent and can wait for you to finish your activities, try not to answer them. This way you won’t interrupt your work.
  • Do the same for messages, don’t waste time and leave them for later if they can wait until the end of the day.

Another factor that can steal a lot of your time is having fun with social media. You should learn to control the use of your phone only as long as necessary.

Reduce meetings

Meetings are always big time stealers. Before attending, check if they are essential or if they can wait until you finish your activities.

If you can’t undo them, make them brief and don’t rob you of too much time.

Take short breaks

Remember to always take the time to take short breaks to release tension.

After about two hours of continuous work, you can rest for ten minutes and then return to work.

Maintain order

order saves time

If you are organized and keep everything in order, you will simplify the work and save time. If you don’t have to search for the things you need, everything will go faster.

Moreover, if everything is perfectly clean and tidy, you will be able to work in better conditions.

Avoid perfectionism

We know it is important to do your job well and all other daily tasks.

However, be careful not to fall into an obsession or strive for perfection. Because, it will exhaust you and will not allow you to move forward with other activities.

We have to value the people who give us time because it is something that cannot be bought with money. So the best gift you can give is to give your time. If we stop to think for a moment, the time people spend on us is time they will never get back.

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