Foods That You Should Never Mix With Soda

While you may not have immediate discomfort, if you ingest cola soda with certain foods, you may be a victim indigestion or internal imbalances which can be dangerous.

You are no doubt familiar  with sodas (especially those containing cola) and you know very well that they are not good for your health.

However, many of us enjoy and consume them, despite warnings from the authorities.

In this article, we’re going to give you a good reason not to consume soda – it can be very dangerous if paired with certain foods.

What foods cannot you eat with soda?

Without realizing it, we sometimes ingest foods that can be toxic or harmful to our health, if we combine them with others.

You might think it’s okay to accompany a nice dinner or lunch with friends with a glass of soda, but if you combine them with certain ingredients, you can put your health at risk.

Make a note of the list of foods that you should never eat with these refreshing drinks.


Who would be able to drink milk with soda? Obviously, we’re not talking about mixing milk and soda directly in the same glass here, an idea that nobody would think of.

But many recipes contain milk, whether salty or sweet.

For example, cream pastes or birthday cakes contain it. When both reach the stomach, milk and soda produce high acidity, which will cause severe stomach pain, reflux, and indigestion.


Again it seems hard to believe that some people mix coffee with soda. But it is quite possible that we decide to drink soda to accompany our meal, and coffee to sprinkle our dessert.

This combination is extremely dangerous. When the two ingredients mix in our digestive system, they cause a kind of effervescent foam, which will produce a very high acidity.

If you make this mistake, you will inevitably feel very nervous, and you will suffer from an upset stomach which will cause severe indigestion.

The panettone

It can happen that we consume this delicious dessert during festive periods, even if it is a more common habit among our Italian neighbors.

If we add the amount of sugar in soda to that of panettone, we have a significant risk of suddenly raising blood sugar levels.

This phenomenon can trigger cardio-respiratory arrest.

In addition, this amount of sugar will inevitably cause the person who consumes it to feel very nervous. To enjoy this delicious party dish, never mix it with cola soda.

Spicy dishes

Ingredients and hot spices, such as chilli, cumin or curry, undeniably bring flavor to all our dishes.

But, when they reach our body, they cause our body temperature to rise (this is why we want to drink immediately after having ingested them).

But think twice before choosing soda to quench your thirst.

Cola drinks, when subjected to high temperatures, produce sulfuric acid. If you think that drinking a glass of soda will help you cope better with the side effects of a spicy meal, you are wrong.

The only thing you are going to cause in your body is an increase in the amount of digestive juices. Definitely a bad idea.

Mint candies

This test is well known, but you may not have heard of it: put a mint candy, like the one in the photo, in a glass of cola, and wait to see the reaction …

You should see a nice explosion! This is due to the effervescent power of this type of peppermint and the gas in the drink.

Now imagine what it can do in your body if you eat these two foods at the same time.

We bet you don’t want to try it at all. This reaction, in addition to being unpleasant, can be very dangerous for your health.

What happens in our body when we drink cola soda?

Whether we mix them with other foods or not, they are not good for our health. Some even say they can be used for anything except consumption.

But what really happens in our body when we crack and decide to drink it?

10 minutes after ingesting sodas

A glass of soda contains about 10 tablespoons of sugar. Yes, you read that right. It is a terrible shock for our whole organism.

But don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t give us positive energy or make us more alert. Soda ups our blood sugar levels and can be very dangerous.

20 minutes after ingestion

The level of insulin in the blood stream begins to decrease. In addition, the liver must redouble its efforts to process the sugar in the body.

Most of the time it converts it to fat which is not to please our body at all.

40 minutes after ingestion

The caffeine begins to take effect: the pupils dilate and the blood pressure suddenly rises. We feel tired and the liver begins to release sugar into the blood.

45 minutes after ingesting sodas

The body begins to produce more dopamine, a hormone responsible for stimulating the area of ​​the brain dedicated to pleasure and the sensation of reward.

This is why we love soda so much: For our brains, soda is a fabulous drug.

1 hour after ingestion

The elimination of calcium from the body, through the urine, increases significantly. In the long term, this phenomenon can lead to osteoporosis, tooth wear or greater bone vulnerability.

The phosphoric acid contained in the drink will also bind to the magnesium and zinc contained in our body.

The supposed diuretic effect of these drinks is false. It does not allow us to eliminate toxic residues from our body, but rather the nutrients that it needs to function.

This is why we often feel weak and irritable after drinking a soda.

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