Existential Depression: When Life Loses Its Meaning

People with high intellectual capacities can suffer from a very particular type of depression. It appears when they feel that life has no meaning, that injustices abound, that we are finished, alone and without real freedom.

Existential depression is a little-known but recurring type of psychological condition. Among its characteristics, for example, we find the feeling that we are not meeting expectations, that life has no meaning or that the world is a messy place, a scenario where injustice and infinite inequality reign.

It is possible that this term seems strange and even clinically risky to us. It is true that it does not appear in the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and that we do not know of anyone who has received this diagnosis. However, it should be noted that this is a common type of psychological disorder and that part of the population suffers from it.

History of existential depression

It was in 2012 that Dr Robert Seubert published a research article in the Journal of the European Psychiatric Association in order to shed light on something important. Some part of our society is unresponsive to ordinary treatments for depression and it can be related to personality type and even high intellectual abilities.

There are people who navigate in other psychic universes, in which they ask themselves deeper questions and feel a type of suffering that is out of the ordinary. Anxiety about the future of the world or the sadness of not finding the true meaning of life can cause very particular depression.

A man holding his head.
Existential depression appears in people with great intellectual capacities.

Existential depression: definition, symptoms and causes

It is possible that this depressive typology brings us back to authors like Søren Kierkegaard or Friedrich Nietzsche. Their philosophical stream told us about the principles of freedom and individual responsibility, about human loneliness and about the very classic concept of existential angst.

This last term refers to this fear of the future, of the weight of our decisions, of the vertigo of not becoming what we expect. But what does this have to do with existential depression itself?

In reality, it is very narrow. One of the personalities who has studied this psychological condition the most is Irvin David Yalom, professor of psychiatry at Stanford University and a psychotherapist. One of his most remarkable works is “Existential Psychotherapy”.

He talks about the main characteristics of a person suffering from this type of depression. As we will see, it is quite similar to the ideas which were transmitted to us in its time by the most representative figures of existentialism in philosophy.

What are the symptoms of existential depression?

All depression is a multidimensional and complex phenomenon. Each person experiences it differently and it occurs as a comorbidity of other disorders, such as anxiety. However, this type of reality presents a series of very particular characteristics, which are as follows.

  • Lack of meaning : the person does not find meaning in his existence. She feels like she is moving forward in a void where nothing is transcendent, authentic or enriching for the mind.
  • Feeling of not being understood : it is that of feeling alien in this world, as well as alone.
  • Not being able to flourish : because society is limited, because there are no mechanisms to promote this creative, professional, human and civic growth.
  • Suffer from social injustices : inequalities, lack of freedom.
  • Frequent ramblings on death : we think of the fleeting nature of human beings. Suicidal ideation is also present in this type of psychological disorder.
  • Physical manifestations : such as exhaustion, insomnia, hypersomnia, eating disorders.

A type of depression common in people with high intellectual skills

Existential depression is part of a theory developed by psychiatrist Kazimierz Dabrowski (1902-1980). This approach is called positive decay and is based on the following explanation:

  • People can go through 5 stages of personal development.
  • However, about 70% of the population does not go beyond the first three stages. It is a development in which we end up getting used to the orientations set by society, until, little by little, we find our place and we adapt.
  • On the other hand, 30% reach the peak of their personal development and, far from bringing more wisdom or well-being, this means that they have to go through a period of existential crisis. They don’t feel included in what society expects of them.
  • This is what Dr. Dabrowski called positive decay. That is to say that whoever reaches this level is obliged to reformulate himself, to disintegrate in order to rebuild himself.
  • Nevertheless, it is common for them to go through a period of deep doubts, of anguish, of not finding the meaning of what surrounds them.
  • This type of suffering is common in people with a high IQ; men and women who most often show signs of existential depression.
A woman in transparency in a forest.
The feeling that life has no meaning is one of the most common ideas among people with existential depression.

Therapeutic strategies

Can existential depression be treated? This type of condition, like any other type of mood disorder, is treatable.

It is generally important to individualize the treatment strategy taking into account the needs of each person. Thus, there will be those who, in addition to psychological therapy, will benefit from a pharmacological response (antidepressants). But how do you help the person with high intellectual skills who suffers from depression?

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is always a good strategy. It will allow us to direct these reflections towards more positive approaches to find a new meaning in life. She will also seek to set goals that will allow the person to achieve them and regain hope for the future.
  • We will work on the management of emotions in order to reduce the impact of the most negative or the most complicated emotions. The goal is to ensure that the person continues to develop, but without the burden of anxiety and negativity.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This type of approach allows us to assume that the world is often not the way we want it to be. We must accept uncertainty, contradiction and injustice without being invalidated by this suffering. But by committing to set a series of values ​​and goals to conquer them.

Address existential depression, even if it is not in the textbooks

In conclusion, although existential depression is not listed in diagnostic manuals, there are effective treatments and strategies to ensure the well-being of those who suffer from it. It is difficult for a patient to come to the clinic with this approach, but it is their feelings about the world around them that will lead them to seek help.

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