Drinks That Raise Blood Pressure The Most

Although they should be avoided with high blood pressure, it is also best to avoid abusing or consuming these drinks if you are want to take care of our cardiovascular health.

Certain drinks have been identified in recent years as potentially causing an increase in blood pressure. Limiting their consumption is therefore essential because  the lack of control of this disease can lead to health complications with fatal outcomes. 

According to the document from the  Spanish Society of Hypertension – Spanish League Against Arterial Hypertension (SEH-LELHA),   33% of adults in Spain suffer from high blood pressure (HTN). The cases are increasing. This is an issue that continues to be of concern to both patients and healthcare professionals.

An effort has therefore been made to improve the habits that help keep the pressure under control. In this regard, dietary adjustments have become decisive. Which drinks should you avoid? We will detail them for you below.

Which drinks increase blood pressure the most?

Some drinks, due to their composition, can cause occasional increases in blood pressure. Their regular consumption can also constitute a risk factor for hypertension. Limiting their consumption is decisive when it comes to health, because they become a risk factor for disease.

And, as detailed in an article published in Pharmacological Research , the pressure is the biggest risk factor for other cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, stroke, among others.

1. Sweet drinks

Excessive consumption of sugary drinks is linked to a greater tendency to obesity and overweight. Their consumption has even been discouraged for years, as it is considered a risk factor for metabolic syndrome.

A systematic review published in the  American Journal of Cardiology  concludes that  there is a relationship between the consumption of this type of drink and an increase in blood pressure. Hence, you should limit your intake and opt for healthy drinks like water.

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Evidence links excessive consumption of sugary drinks with an increased risk of high blood pressure.

2. Energy drinks

People with heart problems or high blood pressure should avoid consuming energy drinks. Several studies, such as the one published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, indicate that healthy people who consume it increase their blood pressure.

Energy drinks contain taurine and caffeine. Researchers believe that  these substances could be responsible for the increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

All brands, which promise to increase energy levels, contain more or less caffeine and taurine. These substances have an impact on the cardiovascular system. One way to illustrate this is that one energy drink is equivalent to having 2 cups of coffee.

Energy drinks should not be confused with rehydrating drinks, or sports drinks. The purpose of these latter is to rebuild the body after heavy physical exertion.

3. Coffee and caffeine

Coffee and all foods and drinks containing caffeine can be harmful to patients with high blood pressure. According to Dr Sheldon Sheps, in a Mayo Clinic post:

4. Alcohol

Today, most people are aware that excessive alcohol consumption can have serious health consequences. It should, however, be further noted that this is also one of the drinks that can increase blood pressure.

This results from a comprehensive study published in the  World Journal of Cardiology , in which it is suggested to limit the consumption of these types of drinks in order to control high blood pressure and prevent complications.

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Regardless of the dose, alcoholic beverages are dangerous for your health. To avoid an increase in blood pressure, it is essential to avoid their consumption.

Dangers of high blood pressure

One of the dangers of high blood pressure is that it can affect the body without noticeable symptoms. I s is the reason why we speak is called the silent disease.

High blood pressure can lead to a deterioration in quality of life due to constant discomfort and even a heart attack. Despite its severity, there are treatments that, along with lifestyle changes, can help control it.

According to information published in the  Mayo Clinic  ,  drug therapy may include the following:

  • Diuretics
  • Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.
  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers.
  • Calcium channel blockers.

However, the choice between certain drugs or others depends on each case. The doctor will be the one who will determine the best treatment. Therefore, when  this disease is suspected, it is important to consult for a diagnosis.

What are the most common complications?

High blood pressure that is not controlled in a timely manner can have very serious consequences for a person’s health. According to a publication from the National Center for Biotechnology Information , these complications may include those discussed below.

Arterial damage

Arteries, in optimal condition, are flexible and have elasticity and strength, unless blood pressure increases. They can become damaged and shrink when this pressure increases, affecting the cells that line them. 

The fats consumed through the diet enter the bloodstream. Damaged cells accumulate as they pass. This alteration affects blood flow to various parts of the body (brain, legs, heart, and others, such as the kidneys).

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Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to damage to the arteries.


The constant passage of blood through a damaged artery  could cause its wall to increase in size  , leading to an aneurysm. If the latter explodes, it causes internal bleeding that seriously endangers the life of the person who suffers from it.


High blood pressure can affect the heart because it is the organ in charge of pumping blood throughout the body. Due to the difficulty of blood circulation, high blood pressure can cause chest pain, arrhythmias, or a heart attack.

Brain damage can also occur as a result of a transient ischemic attack, which is a brief interruption in blood supply to the brain. These are just a few of the serious problems that result from not controlling high blood pressure.

Drinks that increase blood pressure: what to remember?

Drinks that help increase blood pressure are very common in the diet. So that treatment for hypertension involves changes in the daily life of individuals.

These changes, such as abstaining from these drinks, are intended to protect the circulatory system in hypertensive patients. The best way to keep your blood pressure balanced, however, is to go to the doctor regularly and follow his instructions. 

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