Curiosities For Sleeping Better Than You Think

It is not always necessary to resort to medicines or natural products to get to sleep. If you’re having trouble with insomnia, try the tips we’ll show you. The results will amaze you!

Not taking stimulants, drinking calming herbal teas, or not going to bed late are common tips to avoid insomnia. But what if it doesn’t work and you want to sleep better?

However, in this article we are going to introduce you to some curiosities to sleep better, which will surely surprise you.

Discover how to fight insomnia and sleep better in amazing ways, for example by performing certain postures, with a candle or a foot bath.

Curiosities to sleep better without taking sedatives

Many people are used to taking sleeping pills. Sometimes they are conventional medicines, and in other cases natural remedies.

It is a habit that is difficult to quit in the face of the fear of suffering the dreaded insomnia again.

Nowadays, no one is unaware of the serious consequences of not getting enough sleep and not finding a sleep that is truly restorative.

While we know there are products that help us sleep better, in this article we focused on some surprising tips that you will want to try right away.

An inverted position

The inverted positions, those where the head is below the height of the feet, have relaxing and rejuvenating effects.

Currently, we sell special machines to turn us upside down for as long as we want. However, yoga also teaches us these postures.

We can do the shaft upright for a few seconds or we can rest the weight of the body on the lats and arms.

Relaxation with a candle

Most of the time when we can’t sleep it’s because we take the concerns of the day with us to bed.

It is essential to clear your mind to avoid insomnia and so that the hours of sleep are restorative.

Here is another curiosity to fall asleep quickly: a simple relaxation practice with a candle.

It is necessary to place oneself in a silent and dark room in front of a lighted candle.

You have to stare at it, observing all its details, without thinking of anything, without tension on the face, for a few minutes.

Then we’ll close our eyes and keep imagining it, remembering details. We’ll do it right before bed. This will help you sleep better.

Lavender on the pillow for better sleep

lavender on the pillow to sleep better

Lavender is a medicinal plant with excellent calming properties. There is a very simple way that allows us to benefit from it every night.

We just need to apply a few drops of lavender essential oil next to our bed.

We can do this on a handkerchief, on the pillow or on a small towel.

Foot bath

Any therapy that relaxes our feet will immediately have repercussions on the whole body.

Since we can’t always rely on someone to give us a full body massage, an alternative is to give us a warm foot bath.

  • To do this we will need very hot water, the maximum that we can withstand, to which we can add sea salt, baking soda or magnesium sulfate. These three products have very soothing properties.
  • We will dip our feet there and stay there for 20 to 30 minutes. We must have very hot water on the side to be able to add it if the water in our bath cools down.
  • Finally we will dry our feet well and cover them.

Clay on your stomach to sleep better

Clay on the stomach for better sleep

Did you know that the digestive system is a great emotional receptacle that suffers the consequences of everyday tensions?

Although he often does this silently, he can be building up a lot of tension, making it difficult to rest at night.

If this can be the case for you, we recommend that you perform a green or red clay wrap on the stomach area every night.

You need to cover it with a towel and you can keep it for half an hour or overnight.

It will relax you in no time. Plus, clay is great for the intestines.

Total darkness

There is no total rest if it is not completely dark in our bedroom. A small light can fundamentally interfere with our sleep.

The final tip for getting a good night’s sleep is to disconnect all electronic devices and not let in the light.

You will see the surprising results of this slight change.

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