Cleanse Your Kidneys And Stimulate Your Blood Circulation With These Juices

Thanks to its diuretic action, the combination of lemon and watermelon will help us to purify toxins. Likewise, it will hydrate us and promote blood circulation.

Having a good lifestyle allows you to take care of the health of your kidneys and optimize blood circulation, which is essential.

Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and smoking and eating a balanced diet free of sugar, salt and saturated fat can help us a lot.

We must also not forget the importance of regular check-ups with the doctor.

As you know, nature offers us products which can stimulate our internal balance,  and which allow the kidneys to better filter the blood.

There are fruits and vegetables packed with the right nutrients that can do a lot for you if you eat them regularly.

Today, we invite you to discover delicious natural juices, which will help you purify your kidneys and allow you to benefit from better blood circulation. Do you take note?

Carrot, lemon and cucumber juice

To stimulate blood circulation, purify toxins and optimize kidney health, we will especially need diuretic foods rich in antioxidants.

Combining carrots with cucumber and lemon helps us alkalize our body, eliminate harmful elements that tend to make us sick, and regulate our blood pressure.

You should know that the kidneys do not only have the function of cleaning the blood and eliminating toxins, because they also filter excess sodium and secrete three essential hormones:

  • Erythropoietin, responsible for stimulating the production of red blood cells.
  • Renin, responsible for regulating blood pressure.
  • Calcitriol, which is the active form of vitamin D, which allows us to store calcium in our bones.

Sometimes we think our kidneys are working fine and that we are healthy.

However, we must know that a poor diet and environmental pollutants overload us with toxins, which makes the kidneys work difficult.

Thanks to this juice, you will be able to protect your immune system, obtain suitable antioxidants and promote your blood circulation.


  • 2 carrots
  • 1 cucumber
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • If you suffer from kidney problems, you should drink water suited to their needs.

The best water for kidney health is water with very low mineralization. Avoid those with high calcium or magnesium levels.

  • To prepare this juice, you just need to wash the carrots well, peel the cucumber and squeeze the lemon.
  • In the blender, mix all the food with the glass of water to obtain a cool and homogeneous drink.
  • Drink it during the first hours of the day.

Lemon juice and watermelon

This lemon and watermelon juice is ideal, for example, in the middle of the afternoon with a few ice cubes. It is refreshing, rich in antioxidants and diuretic.

  • Watermelon is the fruit that contains the most water. Its caloric value is very low and thanks to lycopene, it promotes nerve connection between cells.
  • Combining watermelon juice with lemon juice hydrates us and improves blood circulation, while enhancing the elimination of toxins.


  • 1 cup of watermelon (220 g)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • This juice is so easy to prepare that it will be ready in seconds. Cut the watermelon into small cubes and put them in the blender with the lemon juice.
  • Add the glass of water, mix, and you will obtain a very pleasant drink. If the taste seems intense to you, do not hesitate to sweeten it with a little honey.

Celery and radish juice for your blood circulation

Radish for your blood circulation.

Radishes have properties that help us fight infections in the urinary tract. In addition, they purify the blood and are very low in calories.

Its pungent taste is due to glucosinolates, compounds with strong antioxidant power that enhance the purification of toxins and fight against anti-cancer agents.

Do not hesitate to try the wonderful combination of radish and celery: it is an ideal way to promote our kidney health thanks to its multiple vitamins and minerals. This juice also elevates our immune defenses.


  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 2 radishes
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Start by washing the vegetables well. Once they are ready, it is best to cut them into small pieces for easier mixing.
  • In the blender, put the celery stalk and the two radishes with the glass of water. Get a smooth drink and take it in the morning, at least 3 times a week.

You will see that you will get wonderful results.

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