Buttons Of Fat In The Back: What Are The Causes?

The appearance of fat pimples in the back is common and of concern to those affected. It is important to differentiate between a fat pimple and other skin conditions of similar appearance in order to receive adequate treatment.

The appearance of fat pimples on the back is usually a cause for concern. Additionally, the fat pimple usually comes along with other smaller pimples, which is all the more concerning.

In all cases, it is important to establish a differential diagnosis of the lesion. The fat pimple may be mistaken for another skin lesion, such as a sebaceous cyst or a boil.

Even though it is quite easy to identify a fat pimple, it is always a good idea to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. It is not necessarily necessary to pass several examinations: a clinical examination may be sufficient to determine the type of the protuberance.

An accumulation of fat on the skin is known medically as a “lipoma”. This name refers to its composition: this fat button is made up of adipocytes, cells containing lipids.

Lipomas are benign and usually their size does not affect other structures in the body. However, there are special cases such as giant lipoma and internal lipoma which can lead to unexpected complications and cause other organs to stop functioning.

Fat pimples: differential diagnosis

The appearance of a fat pimple makes it necessary to establish a differential diagnosis. It should be assessed whether it is a lipoma or another skin lesion of a similar appearance. In the rest of this article, we will present the three most common injuries to you.

A woman with fat pimples on her back

1. Lipoma

The term lipoma refers to a classic fat pimple. Its growth is slow and gradual, and usually the person detects it by chance. This pimple is not painful and it stops growing after a while, with some exceptions as discussed above.

If the lipoma is small, doctors usually recommend leaving it alone. On the other hand, if it is large or unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, it is possible to resort to local surgery to remove it.

2. Boil

A boil is an infected hair follicle. It can appear on the back, especially in the lower back area, where there is more down. This pimple is sometimes painful. Pain is usually associated with infection.

If there is a complication, pus that flows outward appears. So, unlike lipoma, the boil can have secretions. Treatment for a boil involves taking antibiotics if there is infection, draining if there is pus, and local enema with an antiseptic.

3. Sebaceous cyst

This lesion is very similar to the lipoma by its composition: the sebaceous cyst also contains fat. The difference between a lipoma and a sebaceous cyst is that the sebaceous cyst also contains fluid and has a cyst coating. This pimple is almost never painful, but it can become infected, like a boil.

To the touch, the button is not very resistant: it is possible to push it in by exerting pressure on it. Like lipoma, treatment will depend on the size of the pimple and the inconvenience caused. It can be removed via local surgery.

Symptoms and risk factors

Lipoma usually appears in the back, but it can also appear in the upper limbs and in the neck. In the lower limbs, it is rarer.

To the touch, the lipoma is more or less soft. It is possible to push it in slightly by exerting pressure on it, but the pimple does not contain fluid like the cyst, which is why it is rather resistant to the touch. Usually, a doctor can easily identify a lipoma because touch is characteristic.

The size of fat pimples usually does not exceed 4-5 centimeters. As commented previously, if the button is larger, we are in the presence of a giant lipoma which represents an affection in itself. Giant lipoma requires a different approach, as it penetrates deeper structures, and it is not as easy to pull out.

It is not yet clear what the root cause of lipomas is. Genetics are assumed to have something to do with it, as fat pimples usually appear in multiple members of the same family. But there is no conclusive study on the subject as of yet.

Those most affected are adults between the ages of 30 and 60. The reason why this is so is also not well understood.

Giant lipoma is one of the fat balls that can appear on the back

Fat pimples: when to consult?

It is advisable to consult a doctor after detection of fat spots in order to establish a differential diagnosis. The doctor will quickly know if it is a lipoma, a boil or a sebaceous cyst.

The observation of certain symptoms should prompt you to consult a doctor quickly:

  • Increase in the size of the protuberance
  • Presence of pus flowing to the outside
  • Hardening of the alleged lipoma which has therefore lost strength and softness
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the affected area

Don’t ignore the fat pimples

Although they are benign, lipomas require our attention. It is best to consult a doctor in order to establish a differential diagnosis. This is all the more necessary if certain symptoms seem to indicate an infection or if the protuberance increases in size and compresses nearby structures.

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