Benefits Of Coconut

Do you know all the benefits of coconut? Discover all its properties here, which might surprise you!

The fruit of the coconut palm can be consumed in different ways, but it is above all its water (very refreshing) and its pulp that are used in different preparations.  You can also find coconut in grated form in baking.

Discover the properties of the different forms of coconut here.

The properties of coconut

In tropical countries, coconut is used for its bactericidal, antioxidant, antiparasitic, hypoglycemic and immunostimulating properties.

Once ripe, the coconut contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, essential nutrients for the body.

It provides calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, selenium, iodine, zinc, fluorine and manganese, among others.

Inside the coconut we find water and milk.

The properties of coconut water

If you exercise daily, then you should consume milk or coconut water to benefit from the following properties.

Coconut water:

  • hydrates. It contains a large percentage of water and minerals. Being low in fat and sugar, it is also low in calories. It is the favorite drink of those who live in hot regions because it relieves thirst immediately!
  • is remineralizing. It helps regulate muscle tone and improve heart function.
  • is antioxidant.  Some of the minerals found in coconut (selenium and zinc) have antioxidant action. This is why coconut milk is present in skin treatments, beauty creams and sunscreens.
  • helps balance blood pressure. Its saturated fats provide a quality energy reserve for the body. They are found in the pulp and in coconut milk.
  • brings energy.  It is good to consume it after a busy day during which you have spent a lot, or when it is very hot.
  • is also good for the heart. Drinking coconut water helps lower blood pressure and lower triglycerides in those with  abnormal cholesterol levels.
  • has anti-diabetic and hypoglycemic properties . It contains little sugar and little fat.

Some information about coconut oil

Coconut oil

Coconut is also available as an essential oil. After breast milk, it is the product that offers the highest concentration of fatty acids.

There is not yet much information about coconut oil, and this is why it is used relatively little today.

But we know that this oil strengthens our immune system  : it helps our body to cope with diseases, bacteria, infections and viruses.

Natural coconut oil, not hydrogenated oil that has been structurally altered, would help:

  • lower our cholesterol levels
  • activate metabolism
  • promote weight loss
  • prevent problems derived from thyroid gland disorders
  • reduce symptoms of menopause and PMS

The properties of coconut milk

Coconut milk

Coconut milk is good for the cardiovascular system. It has properties similar to those of breast milk, especially for its detoxifying power which helps to rid the kidneys of any harmful substance. It is therefore a good detox product.

Coconut milk is recommended for children because it contains vitamin C, natural sugar and many minerals.

Coconut milk:

  • relieves vomiting, gas and urinary problems
  • has a diuretic effect
  • aids digestion and liver function
  • prevents infection
  • helps control diabetes
  • facilitates intestinal transit
  • relieves tension in the pancreas and in the enzyme system
  • treats gallbladder problems
  • keeps the skin hydrated, smooth and soft

The benefits of coconut for pregnant women

Pregnant women are advised to consume coconut during pregnancy regardless of the form. It is an excellent fruit for the future mother and for her child, because, thanks to its vitamins, it brings energy.

Being a natural isotonic drink, it serves to rehydrate and at the same time reduce swelling in the ankles, so common in pregnant women.

Also, since coconut boosts the immune system, this is one more reason to consume it during pregnancy. Pregnant women can hardly take medicine.

Finally, coconut helps prevent and treat heartburn and vomiting,  common symptoms during the first few months of pregnancy. This fruit is also effective for constipation, another common problem during pregnancy.

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  • Ovalles, Jose & VIELMA, ROSALBA & Medina, Ana. (2019). Determination of the content of free amino acids del agua de coco tierno por HPLC y Revisión electrónica sobre la nueva tecnología para el envasado del agua de coco.
  • Fundación Española de Nutrición. Coco.
  • BMJ Open. 2018; 8 (3): e020167. Published online 2018 Mar 6. Randomized trial of coconut oil, olive oil or butter on blood lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors in healthy men and women. doi: 10.1136 / bmjopen-2017-020167
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  • West Indian Med J. 2005 Jan; 54 (1): 3-8. The control of hypertension by use of coconut water and mauby: two tropical food drinks.
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  • Harvard TH Chan. Coconut Oil.
  • Int Braz J Urol. 2013 Jan-Feb; 39 (1): 108-17. Prophylactic effect of coconut water (Cocos nucifera L.) on ethylene glycol induced nephrocalcinosis in male wistar rat. doi: 10.1590 / S1677-5538.IBJU.2013.01.14.

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