Benefits Of Artichoke: An Ally To Take Care Of Your Figure

Thanks to its content in dietary fiber, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals, artichoke is an ideal food if you want take care of his line.

Many people have decided to take advantage of the benefits of artichoke to take care of their health and maintain a healthy weight. This prodigious vegetable, whose scientific name is Cynara Scolymus L , has acquired its fame thanks to its interesting nutritional properties.

It has always been a part of gastronomy because it is easy to prepare and can be combined with many other ingredients. In addition, it also has several applications as a natural remedy, as it facilitates the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

The best part is that it contains very few calories and is a source of dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, both in its natural state and in its extracts, it is a great option to take care of your line without taking any risks to your health. Have you ever tried ?

The properties and benefits of artichoke to know

prepare an artichoke infusion to take care of your figure

Due to its content of inulin, flavonoids and essential minerals, artichoke has been one of the most popular foods since ancient times. Its regular intake helps to meet the nutritional needs of the body and, therefore, to stimulate the metabolism.

It contains substances known as cynarin and luteolin, which help improve liver function for optimal fat digestion. It also acts as a natural diuretic, facilitating the elimination of fluids retained in the tissues.

On the other hand, their contributions in vitamins A and C strengthen the defenses and inhibit certain negative effects of inflammation and oxidation. In turn, its fiber intake improves intestinal motility and reduces episodes of constipation.

The benefits of artichoke

It is no wonder that the benefits of artichoke are greater than those of other natural ingredients. Although the vegetable has become a popular ally for weight loss, it has many other uses that are worth noting. Indeed, it:

  • Helps control appetite
  • Fights liver disorders such as jaundice and fatty liver
  • Prevents and fights gallstones
  • Reduces symptoms of food allergies thanks to its ability to regenerate the liver
  • Regulates high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Acts as a powerful diuretic and decreases edema
  • Regulates the body’s mineral salts and prevents hypertension
  • Promotes the elimination of excess uric acid in case of gout
  • Fights constipation
  • Improves metabolic activity and prevents obesity as well as diabetes

Why is the artichoke an ally in taking care of the line?

As part of many weight loss diets, it is recommended to consume artichoke as a supplement to burn fat more easily. This is because it has the ability to improve liver and metabolic functioning, which directly affects the processes involved in weight loss.

As this is a food containing very few calories, its inclusion in the daily diet does not pose any problem. In addition, it prolongs the feeling of satiety and helps to promote the elimination of liquids and toxins which give the figure a heavier appearance.

How to consume artichokes to take care of your figure and improve your health?

the artichoke to take care of its figure

To enjoy the benefits of artichoke, several recipes are possible. However, to take care of your figure, it should be consumed as a herbal tea several times a day. This drink has many benefits, among them that of concentrating the fibers that nourish the intestinal microbiota.


  • 1 large artichoke
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Choose a fresh artichoke and cut it into several pieces.
  • Then boil it in water.
  • Once the boiling point of the water has been reached, lower the heat to minimum and continue cooking until the artichoke softens.
  • Finally, let the drink sit and strain it so that it can be consumed.

Way of consuming

  • Drink a cup of artichoke herbal tea on an empty stomach, then 3 or 4 more cups during the day.
  • Use this remedy at least 3 times a week.
  • Note: You can use the cooked artichoke pieces to make another recipe. Add olive oil and salt and enjoy this dish for dinner.

Side effects that artichoke can cause

Be careful, we must not ignore the fact that the artichoke can sometimes have harmful effects. These can be due to excessive consumption. In specific cases, there are situations in which its components create a bad interaction:

  • Due to its high content of dietary fiber, it can cause gas and gas
  • It is not recommended for nursing mothers
  • The artichoke is contraindicated in cases of biliary obstruction, due to its effects on the gallbladder
  • If you are taking medication for high blood pressure or heart disease, avoid consuming artichoke. In this case and in other particular cases, it is preferable to consult your doctor

So, are you going to check out the benefits of artichoke for yourself? If you haven’t included it in your diet yet, now is the time to do it! After a few days already, you will start to notice its positive effect on weight maintenance, cholesterol levels and overall health.

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