Beet Juice To Take Care Of Your Brain

Beets can be a great ally for our health, because they help us fight chronic inflammation and prevent arteriosclerosis and hypertension. It also takes care of your brain.

Beets have an intense, fresh earth flavor that we love and can combine into healthy recipes and natural juices.

So there is something that every beetroot lover will enjoy.

And according to several studies, it is enough to drink one glass per day of its juice to improve blood circulation to the brain.

Something so simple could help us reduce the index of dementia or other neurodegenerative diseases by a very interesting percentage.

Below we give you all the information.

Beet juice: a powerful remedy for our brain health

Beet has a distant origin on the coasts of Africa. Later, and with the birth of commerce, it was not long in exporting to Asia and Europe.

In addition, it must be said that its rapid extension is not only due to the single tuber: the leaves were also – and still are – very popular. So much so that in ancient Rome it was an ingredient present in many dishes.

Later, and out of curiosity, Napoleon popularized the use of beets as a source of sugar after the English restricted access to sugar cane to the French.

In fact, nowadays, beets are still an essential raw material for the production of sugar, an information that should be remembered in the case of people with diabetes.

Because of this dose of sugar, could beets be more dangerous than beneficial?

Absolutely. However, we must remember that our brain needs glucose for energy, as well as all the other special nutrients present in beets.

We will explain all of this to you in the rest of this article.


Beets contain high concentrations of nitrates. When entering our mouth, the bacteria transform them into nitrites.

  • These nitrites have a very special ability: they open the blood vessels to promote blood circulation and improve oxygen supply.
  • This interesting property is also achieved – although in lesser amounts – in celery, cauliflower and other green leafy vegetables such as spinach.
  • Thanks to the nitrates present in beets, we have at our disposal an excellent ally in reducing stroke.

This is, without a doubt, important information to remember. And although many people regularly consume beets in their diet, others do not appreciate its intense and distinctive flavor.

Either way, it would be worth getting used to and looking for the combination we like the most to enjoy its benefits.

Beetroot against chronic inflammation

To prevent inflammation of your brain.

In addition to nitrates, beets are rich in various bioactive compounds that help us fight or reduce the impact of chronic inflammation.

  • Inflammation is the main trigger for many heart disease, as well as stroke.
  • The greater the inflammation, the more difficult it will be for the blood to circulate, the oxygen level is reduced and toxins accumulate.

Plus, few enemies are as dangerous to our brain health as neuronal inflammation.

If we get used to consuming beets two or three times a week, we will also reduce hypertension and the development of arteriosclerosis. While taking maximum care of our cognitive processes.

How to make beetroot juice to take care of your brain

Preparing to take care of your brain.


  • 3 fresh beets
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/4 purple cabbage
  • 7 mandarins
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)


  • First, wash the beets and carrots.
  • Then cut them into small pieces to facilitate mixing. Also cut the cabbage.
  • Place the beetroot and carrots with the purple cabbage cut into small pieces into the extractor or blender.
  • Mix until you obtain a very homogeneous juice then set aside.
  • Then squeeze the 6 mandarins.
  • Combine the juice of the mandarins with the two glasses of water and the juice made from carrots, beetroot and cabbage. This is delicious !

Remember to drink it throughout the day: the first glass on an empty stomach and the second with your main meal.

If you prefer, during the week you can limit yourself to mixing a medium beetroot with a glass of water.

In this way, we continue to benefit from its properties in a simpler and faster way.

Either way, don’t do without it: your brain loves it.

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