Avocado Smoothie For Weight Loss And Muscle Gain

This avocado smoothie is a source of healthy fats very suitable for weight loss. It also promotes muscle training if accompanied by a balanced pace of life.

People who want to lose weight without feeling hungry and gain muscle more easily should try this avocado smoothie at all costs. It is indeed rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats and fibers.

We will therefore explain how to prepare this recipe below. We will also present to you all its health benefits.

How to lose weight and gain muscle?

If you want to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, you need to focus on diet and exercise.

On the one hand, the diet should be rich in vegetables and good amounts of protein, not to mention healthy fats which, instead of making you fat, increase metabolism and burn more calories.

Second, you have to do moderate-intensity physical exercises regularly, two or three times a week, alternating and combining muscle toning and cardiovascular sport.

Gradually, we can achieve this double challenge while always focusing on health, energy, vitality and morale.


In recent decades, weight loss diets have focused on reducing fat and calories.

However, in recent years, the surprising role of healthy fats has been highlighted.

They do not make you fat and  also activate the metabolism so that our body burns energy.

However, be aware that this only happens with healthy, unprocessed fats, like extra virgin coconut oil, dried fruits, seeds, or avocado.

Avocado, in addition, provides us with a good amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein.

The protein helps us to have a more toned body and this, in a progressive way, without causing damage in our organism.

Benefits of green smoothies

To successfully lose weight and gain muscle mass in a healthy way, you must increase your consumption of:

  • Green vegetables such as celery, arugula, watercress, spinach, lamb’s lettuce, beet leaves etc.
  • Good quality protein.
  • Healthy fats.

You will get it all with these famous green smoothies, which have been very popular in recent years.

These smoothies offer us pleasant, convenient, healthy, nutritious and delicious breakfasts and snacks in which you can add different natural ingredients without altering their taste.

Avocado smoothie


  • 1 medium ripe avocado
  • A handful of raw green vegetables
  • 1 fruit (ripe banana, pear, apple or pineapple)
  • 1 glass of water or 1 vegetable drink (oatmeal, rice, spelled or almond) (200 ml)

You can sweeten this smoothie with a little stevia, honey or whole cane sugar.

In addition, you can add many other healthy, nutritious and beneficial ingredients to lose weight and muscle, such as:

  • Chia seeds
  • Prunes
  • Maca powder
  • Hemp protein
  • Pea protein
  • Extra virgin coconut oil


  • Peel the avocado then put it in the blender with the greens, fruit and your chosen drink. Mix well, at least for a minute or two, until you get a smooth, lump-free drink.
  • The texture should be fairly creamy.  You can also add more liquid if you want the smoothie to be more liquid.
  • While fruit is a natural sweetener to an avocado smoothie, if you want, you can add more as long as you avoid the white sugar.

Also see this article: Use the avocado kernel to fight cellulite

When to consume it?

You can consume a smoothie a day for at least a month to see its benefits.

Choose one of these times:

  • On an empty stomach, in the morning, instead of breakfast. If you are more hungry, you can also eat something solid at least half an hour after the smoothie.
  • At snack. This is an option suitable for people who are very hungry for dinner. Thus, you will reduce this urge to eat because the smoothie is very filling.
  • At least an hour before exercising. It doesn’t provide all the energy we need and it’s easier to digest, so it won’t interfere with exercise.
  • Right after sports, no more than half an hour. This is the most effective time to gain muscle mass.

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