Kefir Water: Benefits, Use And Recipe

Kefir water is a fermented drink that can help protect your body. Take note of the recipe step by step!

In recent years, the place of a balanced and healthy diet has become essential. Indeed, it is now common to talk about nutrition and “taking care of yourself” through food. A whole new vocabulary has even emerged on this subject. By the way, you have certainly heard of kefir water, but, do you know what it is exactly?

We tell you everything you need to know about this drink in the rest of this article: how to use it, its benefits and even all the details to be able to easily prepare it at home! To your pens!

What is kefir water?

Kefir water in jars

It is a fermented drink based on the microbial culture  of the same name. It is also called SCOBY ( Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast  ). In fact, it is a colony of lactic and acetic bacteria, yeasts and microorganisms that work in symbiosis on milk or on water, depending on whether one wishes to make water or kefir milk, to obtain a fermented drink.

In order for kefir to ferment water, nutrients must be dissolved in it, which converts it into a favorable environment for the development of microbial culture. We give you more details later in the article on how to prepare this drink at home.

Benefits and use of kefir water

You are most likely wondering why it is good to drink kefir water, so here is the list of its main benefits and uses:

1. It is a probiotic

Kefir water, like kefir milk and yogurt, contains living microorganisms that improve metabolic functioning, helping to fight against slow transit. Indeed, given that it is a fermented product, it is loaded with beneficial microorganisms for the microbiota.

2. It improves the intestinal flora

Kefir water has probiotic properties

With  the increase in the number of lactic acid bacteria in our intestines,  the intestinal flora improves, which helps to eliminate pathogens. In this way, we enjoy better gut health.

3. It has anti-bacterial properties

Some studies highlight the fact that the probiotics in kefir, more particularly those found in lactobacillus kefiri,  have the ability to inhibit the growth of other bacteria in the body, such as salmonella, E.coli or Helicobacter pylori. In addition, the carbohydrates in kefir are also believed to have anti-bacterial properties.

4. It could lower cholesterol

Very few studies have addressed the subject, but there is evidence that this drink may help improve and / or control bad cholesterol levels. 

5. It has rehydrating properties

Kefir water is an isotonic drink,  therefore, it is ideal for rehydrating us. Because it is also low in calories, we can incorporate it into our weight loss programs.

Kefir water recipe

Kefir grains have a soft, gelatinous texture, reminiscent of the appearance of cauliflower. The grains of kefir milk are rather whitish, while those of kefir water are transparent.

It is important to differentiate the two in order to use the correct culture for the fermentation of the drink we want. Here is how to prepare this fermented drink:


  • 1 liter of mineral water
  • 3 tablespoons of pure cane sugar
  • 1/2 lemon juice (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons of water kefir grains


  • A large glass bottle, with a wide opening and a plastic or glass lid (avoid metal)
  • A wooden spoon


  1. Pour the liter of water into the bottle.
  2. Add the water kefir grains, sugar and, if desired, lemon juice for flavor.
  3. Mix well with the spoon. You can also close the bottle and shake it well.
  4. Let the mixture sit for two or three days at room temperature (between 15 and 30 degrees). During the fermentation process, the kefir grains will consume the sugar and generate organic acids, fermented in water.
  5. Drink it and enjoy its benefits

General information about kefir water

  • If you bottle it well, the fermented drink can retain its nutritional characteristics for a year.
  • Once opened, store it in the refrigerator.
  • Since it does not contain milk, it is recommended for people with intolerance or allergies. 

As you have just seen, making kefir water is as easy as pie. Are you motivated to prepare it and take advantage of its nutritional benefits? Seek the advice of your doctor to learn more about kefir and its health benefits. In addition, we recommend that you check that its consumption is recommended if you suffer from any allergy or health problem.

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