How Do You Know If You Have Stones In Your Gallbladder?

If you suffer from abdominal pain, you may have stones in the gallbladder.

Stones in the gallbladder form without obvious symptoms. They disrupt the lives of those they touch without them realizing that something is wrong.

A bad diet can cause their appearance. We will teach you how to recognize them and how to avoid them in time.

Symptoms of gallstones

woman having stones in gallbladder.

Have you ever wondered what stones in the gallbladder really are? Well, these are hard crystals that accumulate and therefore block the basic functions of this organ.

They are generally caused by an alteration of the bile, because of infections, small pathologies which affect the gallbladder, but also because of an excess of cholesterol or a bad diet.

Many people are reduced to having to have an operation to remove them, a fairly common problem that is worth preventing if possible. We are therefore going to inform you, in this article, about the main symptoms of this pathology, even if, and we particularly insist on this fact, the doctors tell us that 40% of those affected do not have any.

It is still worth knowing about these symptoms.

1. The type of pain

The pain appears out of the blue and lasts only a few moments. It usually occurs in the upper right part of the abdomen, or between the shoulder blades.

These are the first symptoms, the first drawbacks of the calculus which, at this time, already begins to move and block the cystic or bile ducts.

2. Swelling of the abdomen

Do not be afraid, our stomachs are often swollen and this does not necessarily have a direct link with the presence of stones in the gallbladder. But, pay attention to how often this symptom appears. Does this happen to you every day? Always after meals?

The best is to check for symptoms. If you experience any of the other symptoms we discuss in this article, see your doctor.

3. Digestive problems

When we suffer from gallstones, we often have small digestive problems, such as indigestion, belching, inflammation or stomach cramps.

Above all, it is very difficult to digest food well, especially fatty foods. They fill us up, make us feel bad. It is something very characteristic.

4. Physical symptoms

They don’t necessarily always appear, but they can occur a few times and it’s hard to miss them: the skin turns slightly yellowish from the bile. This is something very noticeable as it can also affect the eyes.

5. Changes in stool and urine

It is essential to remember that the gallbladder is directly related to the production of bile, the transformation of fats and the digestive process.

If it has a problem, if the stones completely obstruct it, our whole digestive and excretory system will be altered. So it makes sense for the stool to take on a clearer, gelatinous appearance. The urine may also be darker than usual. It is important to take these symptoms into account.

The right rules to take care of your gallbladder

oil in a spoon

It is clear that if you are suffering from gallbladder stones, following a proper diet will not be enough to dissolve them. In fact, you should always consult your doctor, who will know what to do and tell you if you need to have an operation.

But if you do not suffer from any symptoms, it is worth preventing the risk of the occurrence of this disease with some very simple tips. In 60% of cases, this makes it possible to prevent this disease:

  • Before going to bed, and just before getting up, drink a spoonful of olive oil with 3 drops of lemon juice.  This remedy acts as a great protector and very effective purifier of the gallbladder.
  • Drink a natural beetroot and apple juice.  It is very healthy and perfect for your dinners. It is ideal if you prepare it with a green apple and a medium-sized beetroot. Cut the apple and beet into pieces and put them in a blender with a glass of water. Drink it 3 times a week.
  • Brewer’s yeast: you can include it in your smoothies or juices, for example. It is very beneficial because it contains a lot of inositol, a great protector of our vesicle as of our liver.  

So remember that at the first symptoms it is worth seeing your doctor. He is the only one who can perform the necessary tests to find out whether or not you have stones.

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