How To Treat A Toothache?

Place an onion ring on your aching molar so that its juice relieves the pain.

They say there is nothing worse than toothache and toothache.

It is nevertheless possible, in the first case, to have recourse to natural remedies before visiting the doctor if the ailment persists. Because if it is true that a natural treatment can bring relief, it is also of vital importance in certain cases to go to see a dentist.

What is the cause of toothache?

In most patients, this disease is caused by one or more cavities that have reached the nerve of the tooth. However, other causes can cause this terrible ailment:

  • Inflammation of the ears
  • Tooth abscess
  • Poor hygiene
  • An infection
  • A knock
  • Sinusitis
  • A heart attack
  • A lesion in the mouth or jaw
  • A cracked crown
  • A rotting food in a tooth
  • Irritation caused by leftover food between two teeth


The usual symptoms of these oral problems are:

  • Swelling
  • Throbbing pains
  • Bad breath
  • Launches at the location in question

Some tips to follow during a toothache

If you often have a toothache, then you need to see a specialist. However, the following tips should be taken into account:

  • Refresh the affected area. Apply an ice pack on the outer part of the cheek.
  • Do not consume foods or drinks that are too hot, too cold or too sweet, especially at the time of pain.
  • Hold your head straight.  Indeed, elevate the head to sleep in order to alleviate the pressure exerted on this area of ​​the face.


  • Seek to distract yourself with some activity.  Watch a movie, go for a walk, bike ride or run. Practicing a sport makes it possible to release endorphins which calm the pain in a natural way in the space of half an hour.
  • Use dental floss to remove any leftover food that may have gotten between the teeth and that the toothbrush cannot always remove. Use gently to avoid injuring yourself or traumatizing the gums.

Natural remedies for toothache

If we ask our grandmothers, mothers or aunts for a remedy for toothache, each will probably give us their own recipe, which is different but just as effective. Here is a list chosen among the most used remedies:

  • Place a small amount of clove on the painful tooth.
  • Prepare a mouthwash by mixing 5 cloves, a little saffron, a pinch of salt and a cup of water. Bring everything to a boil and then boil for 10 minutes. Let stand and cool. Make a mouthwash 4 to 5 times a day.
  • Chew some fresh parsley leaves on the aching tooth for pain relief.
  • Take a sip of liquor or white alcohol (eg whiskey) and keep it in your mouth for a few seconds. The gum will therefore absorb alcohol, which will anesthetize it.
  • Combine an egg yolk, a spoonful of honey, bread crumbs, a little alcohol and cayenne pepper. Then place this mixture in a gauze and dab the diseased tooth.
  • Firmly place a ring of raw onion on the tooth to soak it with its juice.
  • Apply hot poultices of mashed potatoes, rice or flax flour to the cheek, or also a cloth soaked in warm tea or chamomile.


  • Macerate poppy roots with a spoonful of salt. Then apply it to the diseased tooth (avoid if you retain water or if you have too high blood pressure).
  • Grind a few parsley leaves then add a spoonful of salt. Then place this paste on the cheek where you feel the pain.
  • Boil a cup of water, add 2 tablespoons of wormwood. Let cool and then take several sips as a mouthwash, but without swallowing it. Keep the liquid on the infected tooth for a while for the effect to be felt.
  • Boil two tablespoons of sesame seeds in the equivalent of a cup of water and then reduce the liquid by half. Soak a cotton disc with it and apply it to the tooth. This preparation can also be used in mouthwashes.
  • Macerate 3 cloves of garlic in 3 tablespoons of olive oil for 4 days. Using a dropper, then apply 6 drops of this lukewarm oil to the painful tooth.
  • Place a small bag of black tea on the gum next to the aching tooth, for a few minutes.

Photographs courtesy of Irina Patrascu, Katie Brady, Martin Cathrae and Mike Burns.

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