9 Tips For Caring For Houseplants

There are a lot of factors necessary to take care of our houseplants. The risk of bad practices is obvious. The plants will start to lose their color and will eventually drop and die. What can be done to prevent this?

The maintenance of its indoor plants requires special attention. The type of plant, light, watering, temperature are all factors to take into account. If these conditions are not optimal, houseplants wither, drop and die.

In many cases, plants do not end up dying because they are not taken care of. But rather because we do not know their specific needs well. Indeed, a pleasant and comfortable environment for a human being may not be at all for a plant.

Basic tips for caring for houseplants

houseplant care

To make our plants look healthy, here are some great tips to keep in mind:

  • The choice of the plant is fundamental. There are species of houseplants that require very specific environments and care, while others survive with minimal attention.

When buying plants, it is important to know the conditions they need. Thus, you will be able to assess whether the environment in which you will install them is appropriate. And you will be able to achieve a good maintenance of your indoor plants.

  • All plants need light. Dark-leafed houseplants and ferns are the ones that need the least light. But if they don’t have enough light, they immediately manifest this lack. The leaves turn yellow and the stems are unusually long. The plant becomes stressed and loses its vitality.

For all these reasons, it is necessary to observe how the plant reacts in the space where it is located. If it does not receive enough light, it will have to be moved.

  • The right temperature is an important condition for houseplants. The sudden changes to which they are sometimes subjected by the air conditioning or the heating are detrimental to them.

They are also not resistant to proximity to sources of heat or cold.

  • Watering is also an important issue. One of the most common reasons for houseplant wilting is excess water. The land is your best guide. It should be damp, but not soaked or muddy.

The thermal conditions of the environment have an impact on the water requirements of plants. The air in the house is drier than usual. Therefore, the plant will need more moisture. In these cases, it is advisable to moisten the leaves periodically with a very fine sprayer. Spreading a delicate mist on the plant will bring it well-being.

Hydration of indoor plants

take care of indoor plants

  • It is also possible to hydrate the plant from below. To do this, just immerse the pot in water for a few minutes. In this way, he will absorb the necessary amount.
  • Keeping the leaves clean contributes to the health of the plant. The leaves of houseplants get dirty, and dust makes them dull. To clean them, it is advisable to rub them with a cloth soaked in a few drops of glycerin. Glycerin prevents dust from adhering to the leaves. In addition, it will make them shiny.
  • The ideal pots for houseplants are terracotta pots. They are permeable and promote growth. However, one can also use plastic pots.
  • When the plate under the pot contains water, it must be removed. This is excess water and therefore the plant does not need it. A good tip is to fill these plates with stones or gravel, to prevent the bottom of the flowerpot from coming into contact with residual water.
  • Transplants and grafts must accompany the growth of plants. It is not recommended that the roots are too tight or to let them curl up in the pot, because then they lack air.

Repotting and fertilizer

  • Repotting is the perfect time to renew and nourish the soil. Know that there are plants that need soil with special characteristics. so it is good to familiarize yourself with these conditions.
  • Fertilizer is an essential food for plants, especially when they have spent a lot of time in the same soil. The soil is depleted, the reserves are depleted, but the plant continues to need nutrients. In times of growth and flowering, plants need more food and fertilization is necessary.
  • Watch out for fungi and parasites. Houseplants are also sick from pests. It is therefore necessary to be attentive to the spots on the leaves or the presence of strange signs. In these cases, a technician should be consulted to check the problem.

Plants contribute to the decoration of your environment, but they also fulfill a very valuable function for the oxygenation and hydration of the place. With these precautions, it will be possible to keep them in optimal conditions.

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