9 Surprising Benefits Of Kiwifruit

Kiwifruit is highly recommended for slimming diets, because it gives us a feeling of satiety, which promotes weight loss, because it has more than 80% water .

The kiwi. It is a small fruit, known for its brown color and small outer hairs. As well as for the beautiful green color of its flesh.

He is from a valley in China. Then, it was imported to New Zealand, the country currently responsible for most of the world production.

It is called “kiwi” in reference to its resemblance to the bird of the same name, very popular in Oceania.

It is a more than delicious fruit, whose flavor combines perfectly with those of bananas, strawberries and pineapples.

Discover all the benefits of kiwi in this article.

Source of antioxidants and vitamin C

These are the two main nutrients in kiwifruit. In the case of vitamin C, it contains 98 mg per 100 g of fruit, which places it ahead of oranges and lemons among the plants richest in this substance (almost double).

It is only surpassed by guavas and currants in this area. A kiwi gives you more than 80% of your daily vitamin C needs.

It is advisable to consume it in the morning, at breakfast.

Among the properties of this vitamin, we can distinguish its ability to strengthen the immune system, its power against hypertension, cancer or even allergies and colds.

kiwi smoothie
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, whose ability to neutralize free radicals makes kiwi fruit a food that fights against bodily damage of all kinds, especially those associated with aging.

Eating this fruit helps to keep cells younger, and to keep your body in excellent health.

It is especially recommended for smokers, those who drink a lot of alcohol, who suffer from diabetes or allergy, for pregnant women, the elderly, patients with a bone fracture or a ruptured ligaments , postmenopausal women, people suffering from vision problems such as cataracts, and finally those suffering from immunodeficient diseases such as AIDS, or herpes.


The other properties of kiwifruit

It reduces stress and nervousness

The kiwi is an ideal fruit for modern day ailments. Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, it helps to avoid nervousness and anxiety.

It is also great for reducing stress. It allows us to feel more peaceful. And to be able to face the problems that we encounter. Or the obstacles that appear in our life.

Doctors recommend eating a kiwi fruit before going to a job interview, or an important meeting, to reduce tension.

It cures constipation

Thanks to its exceptional content of soluble fiber, kiwi fruit helps digestion and improves intestinal transit, so it helps prevent constipation.

If it is eaten with breakfast, it will help a lot in evacuation. It can be eaten with other fruits, yogurt, kefir or cereals, and will greatly promote the expulsion of stool.

It is useful for slimming and eliminating water retention

As it is mainly composed of water, and it is very low in calories (63 kcal per 100 grams), it allows you to lose weight and quickly reach the state of satiety.

Plus, it doesn’t contain a lot of sodium, making it an ideal supplement to incorporate into weight loss diets.

It allows to lose accumulated water, very useful in pregnant women.

Kiwi fruit is very diuretic and should not be missing from the diet of people suffering from obesity or overweight. It is very useful in cases of heart or liver failure.

It helps digestion

As we said before, kiwi fruit is very digestible and helps break down protein from food, but also helps prevent indigestion, gastritis and gas.

The presence of these proteins makes it possible to combine this fruit with milk, or gelatin.

It improves blood circulation

The fact of containing vitamin E and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids allows the kiwi fruit to thin the blood, thus improving the general condition of the arteries and preventing the formation of stones or clots in the blood vessels.

This fruit serves to protect the body against thrombosis, angina pectoris, cerebral hemorrhages and heart attacks, and thanks to its fibers, it helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood.

It improves bone health

This includes all types of bone elements in the body, i.e. also the teeth. This property is due to the minerals present in the kiwi: copper, magnesium and potassium.

A kiwi can cover 10% of the daily needs of these three foods. It improves the development of bones, but also muscles, nerves and organs. 

It promotes the immune system

This means that it allows you to avoid colds. And to strengthen your natural defenses, thanks to the high content of folic acid and vitamin C it contains.

These two elements make it possible to produce more white and red blood cells. But also antibodies that work as a barrier against diseases caused by viruses.

It fights anemia

It is also a faculty due to its vitamin C content, which increases the absorption of the iron we consume.

It is recommended for people suffering from iron anemia, because it will facilitate their recovery.

It filters the sun’s rays

If you are very sensitive to UV rays, do not hesitate to eat kiwi fruit. The lutein it contains (also found in chard, broccoli or spinach) acts as a natural protective filter for your skin.

Who are the people who cannot eat kiwi?

People who are allergic to an enzyme called actidin cannot consume kiwi, papaya, or pineapple.

Neither do those who tend to develop kidney stones, as this fruit is high in calcium oxalates.

It is precisely for this reason that children should not eat too much of it. Even if they don’t have to stop completely either.

Due to its potassium content, people with kidney failure should not consume kiwi fruit.

Symptoms of kiwi poisoning include hives, swallowing problems, and vomiting.

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