9 Simple Tips To Rejuvenate Naturally

In addition to taking care of our physical well-being, emotions also play a major role in the rejuvenation and aging of the skin. Make sure you are happy and help others. 

Rejuvenating naturally is possible, provided that you are prepared to make some changes in your life.

If you achieve this, not only will your physical appearance remain young, but you will also radiate energy and joy, and this will reverberate to those around you.

Let’s take a look at nine simple tips to rejuvenate without resorting to surgery and cosmetics.

1. Drink two liters of water a day

The first tip is the simplest and the most economical: drink plenty of water every day to keep yourself hydrated.

Indeed, the aging of the skin is the consequence of a progressive dehydration of our body, which causes the appearance of wrinkles, flaccidity and dryness of the skin, etc.

Gradually, the skin then loses its ability to retain water, a fact which leads us to realize the importance of drinking at least one and a half liters of water per day, on an empty stomach and without food. .

2. Enjoy nutritious vegan smoothies

Smoothie to rejuvenate

Food is the best medicine to rejuvenate in a healthy and natural way. A balanced nutritional pyramid is based on foods rich in vitamins and minerals. These foods are:

  • the fruits
  • the vegetables
  • the dried fruit
  • seeds
  • whole grains
  • cold-extracted vegetable oils (coconut, wheat germ, evening primrose, sesame, flax)

With these ingredients, you can make nutritious and vegan smoothies (without any food of animal origin). These drinks will give you the ideal amount of antioxidant and conditioning nutrients.

3. Do you know about antioxidant supplements?

If you want a more practical option, you can also resort to supplements that have the virtue of rejuvenating the body from the inside and the outside.

These supplements indeed have a strong antioxidant power that fights cell damage caused by free radicals.

Here are some antioxidant supplements:

  • the resveratrol
  • astaxanthin
  • glutathione
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C
  • selenium
  • acai
  • green tea
  • turmeric

4. Protect yourself from the sun every day

Woman putting on sunscreen

If you want to rejuvenate, you need to watch your exposure to the sun.

A few minutes of sun exposure a day is a very beneficial habit for the body. However, if you abuse the sun, it will result in premature aging of the skin.

The solution is not to use sunscreen and expose yourself for hours in the summer, but to sunbathe every day for ten minutes. In this way, the skin will gradually tan without undergoing oxidation.

5. Get good rest every night

Getting good rest every day is essential for regenerating the body. Be careful, sleeping is not always synonymous with resting.

Do you wake up every day with a good head, full of energy and in a good mood? If the answer is no, you need to analyze the factors that have a bad influence on the quality of your sleep (stress, dinner, light, noise, telephone, etc.).

6. Learn to breathe

Breathing allows oxygen to reach and nourish all cells in our body, which is why it is essential to breathe properly. But many people breathe in a shallow, limited, or intermittent manner.

Try this exercise: Every night, before bed, relax and take long, deep breaths. This will help you oxygenate the body and, in the process, help you rest better.

7. Take care of your health

To rejuvenate, you have to take care of your health. The malfunction of certain organs such as, for example, the liver, kidneys, lungs, intestine or thyroid, can cause premature aging of the skin.

If you have a chronic condition, you should treat it as quickly as possible, and if possible, naturally.

8. Use natural cosmetics

We recommend that you use natural cosmetics and hygiene products, made with natural and ecological ingredients based on plants, essential oils, flowers, etc.

Also, remember that going to bed without removing makeup prevents the skin from regenerating properly overnight, as makeup clogs pores with toxins.

Cleanse and moisturize your skin before going to bed, and you will notice benefits on the skin the next day.

9. Choose to live happily 

Emotions can also cause us to rejuvenate or age prematurely.

Choosing to be happy and to make others happy is the best health elixir. Make the necessary changes in your lifestyle to avoid stress, anxiety, and concerns.

You can also look for therapies that will help you relax such as yoga, tai chi, swimming, dancing, or the physical activity that appeals to you the most. Artistic activities and nature excursions are also very beneficial.

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