9 Foods And Some Tips To Reduce Gas

Regular consumption of chamomile or anise infusions helps relax the stomach and reduce the discomfort caused by gas.

Reducing gas can be vital for some people. Indeed, gas is one of the most troublesome problems that the digestive system can suffer from.

These can be caused by a number of elements and affect the entire population regardless of age.

Among the reasons that can generate intestinal gas problems are, for example, too spicy food, stress which makes us produce too much acid. Or even ingest too much air when we eat.

Likewise, the gases and unpleasant odors that result from them can be caused by different foods. Here are a few examples:

What can be the causes of gas production?


The consumption of dairy products, and more particularly milk, is one of the main causes of gas production. Some people may have an intolerance to dairy products to the point where they can no longer consume them.

If you also recognize yourself in this case, we advise you to take lactose-free or skimmed milk in order to limit gas production.

The constipation

People with constipation are unfortunately more likely to have gas and gas problems as well. Indeed, their intestinal transit being too slow, the waste of the organism accumulates in the digestive system thus causing gas.

Some solutions to reduce flatulence


ginger to reduce gas

Ginger can be a solution to reduce gas and gas. You can consume it in the form of infusions. But also take a teaspoon of grated ginger before meals, or even incorporate it directly into your dishes.

Cumin seeds

This spice can be easily used in dishes that usually cause you gas. Cumin seeds have the ability to effectively stimulate digestion. They thus prevent the production of gas and colic.


Garlic contains, among other elements, allicin and diallyl disulfide which help fight gas production in the intestines.

This is also why you can use garlic as a natural solution to improve digestion and control gas production. In order to make the most of the properties of garlic, we advise you to consume it fresh, or to season your dishes with it.

Dandelion infusions

This medicinal plant has many benefits to help relieve many ailments.  For example, dandelion promotes good digestion.

To take advantage of its effects, you can consume dandelion infusion before a meal to prevent excessive gas production. You can also use dandelion, dried and crushed, as a condiment for your dishes.


Parsley, whether fresh or dry, is a very effective remedy for reducing intestinal gas.

Activated carbon

Charcoal absorbs the air in the intestines and helps reduce gas. Also, if you are suffering from gas problems, it is recommended to take charcoal as a dietary supplement.

Lemon juice

Lemon has a number of beneficial properties for health. Among them is its action on the digestive system. Also, getting into the habit of drinking lemon juice before meals can have almost instant gas control effects.

Chamomile infusions

Chamomile tea has the ability to relax the digestive system.  It therefore participates in reducing the production of gas in the intestines. And thus promotes digestive activity in a natural and effective way.

Anise infusions

infusion of anise to reduce gas

Anise has this very strong ability to eliminate the pain that gas can cause in the stomach.  To do this, simply infuse a teaspoon of powdered anise in a cup of simmering water.

However, the secret of its effectiveness is in the regularity of the intakes, so you should consume this infusion every day to reduce gas and stomach aches.

Some additional tips

Consume foods rich in probiotics

Consuming foods, or dietary supplements, rich in probiotics can be a very effective solution to improving your situation. In addition, the good bacteria contained in probiotics also contribute to the good health of your colon and your body in general.

Apply hot water compresses

If you suffer from gas and have trouble getting rid of it, you can resort to this method. Heat some water and soak a towel in it, squeeze out the excess water and apply it to your stomach.

Repeat the process until your abdomen relaxes and gas pain subsides.  

As you may have seen throughout this article, there are a lot of solutions out there for relieving stomach gas problems. It’s up to you to choose the one that suits you best and brings you the desired results. We can assure you that you will quickly find out!

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