8 Foods To Make Your Stomach Bloat

In addition to including these foods in your diet, it is advisable to find out which ones make your stomach bloat and minimize their consumption.

If you are one of those people who often feel bloated and especially in the abdominal area, do not lose sight of these foods that will help you deflate your stomach.

The point is that usually when you have this feeling it is because you are eating too much. However,  it can also be the consequence of the accumulation of liquids or gases.

So, it may depend on certain digestive issues like gastritis or constipation, so if you want to feel more relieved, take note.

Remember that avoiding meals that are abundant and high in simple or fatty sugars, in addition to promoting a flatter stomach and digestion, will benefit your health.

These foods can also cause gas, which is why it is prudent to reduce their consumption.

If you have a few extra pounds and the fat is located on the stomach, it will be best to follow a specific diet.

You will be able to eliminate excess fat and enjoy a flat and healthy stomach.

Consult a doctor who specializes in this case and do not forget to include these foods.

1. Flax seeds

Linen to deflate the stomach.

Foods that provide prostaglandins are the best for deflating the stomach.

Flax seeds are a food rich in healthy fats that help your body regulate inflammation, thanks to its supply of omega 3 fatty acids.

To consume them, the best will be to hydrate the flax seeds in water for several hours. So they will be ready to incorporate into a yogurt, a milkshake or a salad.

2. Blueberries

Another product that helps relieve fluid retention and deflate the stomach are blueberries.

This is due to their high content of flavonoids. Plus, they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and help control free radicals.

All this makes blueberries a product capable of regulating the swelling of the belly.

3. Cherries to deflate the stomach

Although it sounds strange, cherries can also become one of your best allies.

This fruit helps deflate the stomach because it is one of the foods with the most anti-inflammatory properties out there.

In addition, they are full of antioxidants, which makes them one of the most complete fruits that we can incorporate into our diet.

4. The curry

The curry to deflate the stomach.

While not the most common of the spices known, it is true that curry contains turmeric, which helps regulate fluid retention and inflammation.

Turmeric is a superfood that helps prevent many diseases, such as cancer. Replace the salt and heat with this much healthier condiment.

5. Green tea

If there is one drink that has diuretic properties, it is green tea. This plant is also rich in antioxidants.

Thus, it is much more recommended to go for a cup of green tea in case of having a bloated stomach than to drink a common tea or other drinks like coffee.

6. Bananas

In case the swelling is related to the retention of fluids, the potassium present in bananas can be of great help.

If you eat very salty in the evening, it is good to eat a banana for breakfast. You know salt retains liquids, so avoid over-salting your meals.

7. The lawyer

Avocado to deflate the stomach.

Avocado is one of the foods to eat if you want your belly to ease up because it contains healthy fats.

Likewise, olive oil, almonds and pistachios without salt can also be useful.

8. Lactose-free milk

Another of the foods that can make your stomach bloat is milk. This is due to lactose.

So, nothing like starting to incorporate dairy products with the predigested lactose, (like for example, yogurt), and afterwards, to include milk in small quantities, etc.

Also, don’t forget to eat slowly to deflate the stomach.

Deflate the stomach.

Simply eating slowly, chewing the food well and with the mouth closed,  will prevent the entry of air as well as the poor digestion of the food consumed.

Remember to take your time during meals, do not be in a hurry.

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