8 Exercises For The Double Chin

The double chin is an unsightly formation of the skin caused by the accumulation of layers of subcutaneous fat, under the chin.

Even though the skin of the chin loses elasticity with the passage of time, this does not mean that it is inevitable to have a double chin.

Causes of double chin

The loose skin that hangs down just below the chin is the one that causes the double chin to form.

This phenomenon is generated by various external and genetic factors, but it is more common in elderly and overweight people.

Solar exposure

Plenty of sun exposure causes skin tissue to dry out and lose collagen and elasticity.

This aging more easily causes sagging skin in the jaw, where there is the most tissue.


Obesity is another cause of double chin formation as the excess weight eases the fat under the jawbone. The skin stretches and generates the double chin.


A person’s age also influences the appearance of a double chin. Older people tend to develop it because their skin has less collagen.

The most fragile tissues tend to group together under the chin and cause this effect.

Sudden weight loss

People who lose weight too quickly end up developing what is called a double chin detachment.

Fat and fatty tissue decrease with diet and exercise, but not at the same rate as the skin.

This often generates excess tissue under the jawbone.

Genetic conditions

There is a certain predisposition to develop double chin based on genetic inheritance. It responds to physiological and biological factors.

For example, people with small jaws develop a double chin more easily.

How to prevent double chin?

To prevent a double chin, the skin must be protected from the damage of time and the sun.

We are going to see what are the healthy habits to avoid the development of the double chin.

  • Do not expose yourself to prolonged sun exposure during the most intense periods of light (from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.).
  • Use sunscreen on the neck area.
  • Drink water to keep the skin well hydrated.
  • Increase exercise to burn fat and tighten muscles and skin.
  • Massage the area to promote cell development and regeneration.
  • Use creams to keep the skin of the neck well hydrated.

Exercises to eliminate double chin

Invasive methods, such as plastic surgery, can be used to remove excess skin.

However, there are more economical and less problematic methods, such as carrying out an exercise program to eliminate a double chin.

There are a variety of exercises that help firm the skin, if performed regularly.

1. The kiss

On a chair, with your feet firmly on the ground, stretch your neck as far as possible while keeping your head forward.

Then bring your mouth back to your forehead as if you are about to start a kiss. You should do at least three sets of 10 repetitions.

2. The kiss in heaven

This exercise is similar to the previous exercise but you have to lift your head as high as possible.

You have to stretch the neck and join the lips as if you are throwing kisses with the head tilted. Do three sets of 10 repetitions every day.

3. Neck massage

The following exercise should be done at least three times a day. It consists of lifting your head by stretching your neck and opening your mouth a little.

Then you have to put your hand around your neck, pressing gently. Finally, run your hand over the neck, stretching the skin downwards.

4. The head circumference

To start with this exercise, you must first stretch your neck back (as much as possible without straining) and hold the position for five seconds.

Then you have to do the same, stretching your head down, to the left and right sides, five seconds in each direction.

You have to try not to move your shoulders. Do this exercise every day.

5. Chin lift

Again raise your head as high as possible. With your mouth closed, stretch your neck by tilting your head back a little.

So, you have to try to lift your chin up and bring it out forward. It takes 10 repetitions three times a day.

6. The smile backwards

It is necessary to exercise the muscles of the neck by making a smile backwards. Do this by creating tension on the sides of the neck.

Hold the posture for a few seconds and relax. Do a maximum of 10 reps three times a day for the entire week.

7. The tennis ball

To do this exercise, you must first place a tennis ball in your neck, holding it with your chin.

Then you have to press your chin with force on the ball for two seconds and release slightly, without it falling. Do this exercise 10 times in a row.

8. Chew gum

This exercise is the simplest because it does not require a lot of time or attention.

Chewing gum helps strengthen the jaw. It is advisable to take a chewing gum without sugar.

Exercises can be combined and programmed to create a personal program as needed.

It is advisable not to strain the muscles and to stop when feeling tired.

Likewise, it is important to be regular in performing the exercises.

Alternative remedies for double chin

There are other factors that should be taken into account to reduce double chin when it appears.

Among them is the way you walk, certain sleep habits and even the amount of water you drink.

One can use natural external treatments with ingredients like apple or lemon juice to combat this problem.

Keep a straight posture

Keeping your head tilted for a long time causes the skin on the neck to stretch out. It must be kept in a neutral position, neither too far forward nor too far back.

In this way, when working in front of the computer, always adopt a posture with the neck straight and eyes at the height of the screen.

Sleep with a thin pillow

Lying on a pillow that is too large causes the neck to tilt too far forward. It is best to use a pillow that encourages a flatter posture.

Fruit remedies

Melon has properties that tone the skin. People who have wrinkles on their necks, and on their arms and legs, as well as those with a double chin, can stretch their skin by putting a gauze soaked in melon juice.

You have to do this every day to see results within a few weeks. Likewise, apple juice can be used to massage areas of the skin that are saggy.

There are other ways to remove double chin with non-invasive methods such as radiofrequency, metabolic or lipolytic laser, or electroporation.

Although these methods are effective and faster than natural ones, they can be painful and expensive.

When a double chin forms due to a light or moderate excess of tissue, it can be treated successfully without having to resort to specialized clinics.

However, it is always recommended to consult a doctor for further advice.

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