8 Bad Habits That Affect The Health Of Your Hair

Did you know that by tying your hair when it is still damp, you weaken the roots and promote their fall? It can also produce the appearance of yeast infections.

To keep hair strong and shiny, it is important to perform other care that goes beyond the use of external products. Discover 8 bad habits that affect hair health.

Although many treatments can revitalize the hair, it is important to know that our lifestyle can also influence its appearance.

In this sense, certain bad habits can cause significant deterioration of the hair. Their consequences can produce dehydration, loss of nutrients and a series of assaults that we cannot always resolve.

Most worrying is that many people neglect these habits that cause the problems that prevent them from having great hair.

For this reason, and in order to facilitate their identification, we invite you to discover in this article the main  8 bad habits to know for the health of the hair.

Discover them all!

1. Smoking affects hair health

smoking affects hair health

The habitual consumption of cigarettes not only has negative consequences on respiratory health. This habit increases the presence of toxins in the blood and has a negative impact on the skin and hair.

  • The high content of toxic compounds in tobacco concentrates in the bloodstream and prevents the proper functioning of the hair follicle.
  • The direct consequence of smoking causes problems with excessive hair loss and growth difficulties.

2. Being exposed to stress

Stress has a direct impact on emotional health. It seems inevitable and can produce imbalances both psychologically and physically.

Regarding our personal aspect, the weakening that stress produces in the hair is one of its direct consequences.

  • Stressed people may suffer from a problem with excessive hair loss, excess dandruff, or the premature appearance of gray hair.

3. Tie up damp hair

Tying up damp hair affects the health of the hair.

Many women have a habit of tying their hair up after washing it while it is still damp. Although at first this habit may seem harmless, over time it can produce a series of problems that are difficult to solve.

  • Indeed, the hair and the scalp which remain wet for a long time can cause the appearance of yeast infections and dandruff.
  • In some cases, this situation can also weaken the roots and promote excessive hair loss.

4. Wash the hair in hot water

Sometimes the cold is unbearable and we have no choice but to wash our hair with hot water. However, if this becomes a repetitive habit, visible damage can occur and affect the entire hair.

  • The high temperatures open the pores of the scalp and affect the health of the hair follicles.
  • Over time, this habit alters the normal production of oils and causes excess dryness which affects the health of the hair.

5. Sun exposure affects hair health

The sun affects the health of the hair.

As with the skin, we also need to protect the hair from the harmful effects of the sun. Although the damage is not always noticeable, ultraviolet (UV) rays cause  hair to deteriorate which affects its appearance and ability to grow.

  • Exposing hair to the sun for a long time without adequate protection reduces its strength and elasticity.
  • It is important to use caps or hats to minimize the impact this habit has on our hair.

6. Heat

We cannot deny that the use of heat producing devices can help us achieve perfect hairstyles in minutes. However, their overuse is one of the main causes of hair deterioration.

  • Hair straighteners, curling irons and blow dryers damage the protective cuticle and affect the structure of the strands.
  • The constant use of these devices dries out the hair, breaks the ends and causes other problems that make the hair dull and lifeless.

7. Discolorations

Discolorations affect the health of the hair.

The discolorations allow a dramatic change in the hair. However, although at first their appearance seems ideal, over time the constant repetition of discolorations affects the health of the hair.

  • This procedure is carried out by an aggressive chemical process which can lighten the hair up to 7 shades. The problem is that over time these processes produce irreparable attacks.
  • We should not do more than 4 bleaches per year. In addition, it is recommended to always perform these discolorations with the supervision of a professional.

8. Scratch your scalp

Many people have the habit of scratching their scalp several times a day. Sometimes this can be due to stress or because there is a certain imbalance in the pH of the skin.

  • The problem with this habit is that it affects the health of living cells present in the roots.
  • By rubbing them intensely, and continuously, the activity of the cells can affect themselves and create constant damage to the hair.
  • If its origin is caused by dandruff or a skin disease, it is essential to consult a specialist.

Do you recognize these habits? If you detect one or more of them, try to correct them as quickly as possible so that your hair does not suffer the consequences.

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