7 Things To Know To Deal With Anxiety

Women deal with stress and anxiety more effectively than men because they know how to recognize their emotions and have an easier time talking about them. ‘themselves.

Choking, palpitations, extreme nervousness, mental blockage, muscle tension… Who has never experienced a nervous breakdown? It is necessary to know how to face anxiety in order to be able to live better.

Daily life sometimes puts us in front of situations that we do not know how to face.

There is occasional anxiety, the one that you can feel for example when speaking in public, or because of the simple fact of getting on a plane.

It has no influence if these are actions that we perform very infrequently and that do not alter the balance of our life at all.

But, what happens when anxiety sets in in our life and we start to fall victim to fear and obsessive thoughts almost daily?

This poses a risk to our physical and emotional health.

It is therefore important to know how to manage and face daily anxiety, and to discover all the aspects of this feeling.

1. Not knowing how to recognize emotions causes anxiety

We give you an example: you are in a family reunion and, due to a misunderstanding during a discussion, you end up having a problem with a loved one.

You don’t give it that much importance, you don’t want to think about it, but from that point on you avoid going to those family gatherings and even worse, you develop negative thoughts towards certain family members.

In this case, it is important to recognize the problem with this person in a concrete way.

You have to talk and reason with her, without blaming the rest of the family, in order to avoid overloading emotional tension and creating anxiety.

Avoiding or running away from certain situations only makes the problem worse.

2. The differences in our brain chemistry

brain chemistry

You have surely met people who show almost no signs of anxiety.

These personalities are serene, rarely worry and face their problems with an assured balance.

Conversely, there are those who, when faced with the slightest problem, immediately develop great anxiety, negative thoughts and even avoidance strategies.

Why is this happening? Why are we so different from each other?

Dopamine and serotonin are the neurotransmitters that generate these anxiety processes.

Some people experience over-arousal in these brain circuits, which makes them react more intensely, compared to others.

3. Warning signs when you don’t know how to deal with anxiety

Some people don’t notice it, while others let anxiety take hold in their lives in a gradual and even dangerous way.

What are the first warning symptoms?

  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Tiredness
  • Digestion problems
  • Muscle cramps, tremors in the hands

4. Anxiety is linked to other problems

In the majority of cases, anxiety does not appear on its own. In fact, we could say that it is clearly linked to other situations that must be taken into account:
  • An emotional problem, a disappointment, a loss… All of this makes it more difficult for us to deal with our daily lives and any situation generates anxiety.
  • Depressions. It is not always easy to diagnose depression. Therefore, people tend to analyze their illness differently when the real source of the problem is depression.

5. The power of physical exercise to deal with anxiety

how to deal with anxiety with exercise

It may surprise you, but for many doctors and psychiatrists, there is no better treatment for anxiety than exercising every day.

Going out for a walk to activate our heart and to release toxins allows us to deal with this problem in a suitable way.

6. We are all going to suffer from an episode of anxiety in our lifetime.

Anxiety is part of being human. We are all afraid of certain things.

Life sometimes puts us in front of situations that we do not know how to face, hence the appearance of anxiety.

However, we have to face it as a defense or alert mechanism, as an alarm signal that tells us that there is something we must do.

If you run away, the problem gets bigger and bigger, so face the stressful situation head-on in order to resolve it.

7. Anxiety affects women more

According to a study by the National Autonomous University of Mexico, stress and anxiety happen more often to women, especially in the age group between 15 and 50 years.

Indeed, women tend to have a lot of responsibilities, they anticipate things more, and they also think a lot of others before thinking of themselves.

All of this leads to those sudden attacks of anxiety or stress that can build up over several years.

Still, women can cope with stress and anxiety better than men because they have an easier time talking about their emotions.

Indeed, they know how to recognize them and deal with anxiety in a more effective way.

Keep all of these aspects in mind and face your daily anxiety in a better way!

  • Rodriguez, JL, & Meadows, EA (2012). Anxiety Disorders. In Encyclopedia of Human Behavior: Second Edition (pp. 169–176). Elsevier Inc. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-375000-6.00028-8
  • Millan, MJ (2003). The neurobiology and control of anxious states. Progress in Neurobiology . Elsevier Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0301-0082(03)00087-X
  • NHS. (2016). Generalised anxiety disorder in adults. NHS Choices , 2018 (May 2014), 2014–2015. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1495-09.2009

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